Involved Leopards

Maxim's 5:3 Male

Maxim's 5:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
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Nkoveni 2:2 Female

Nkoveni 2:2 Female

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Three Rivers 2:2 Female

Three Rivers 2:2 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Ngungwe 3:3 Female

Ngungwe 3:3 Female

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About the Author

Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on The Week in Pictures #666

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Kelsey: The warthog photo is tremendous, in that those critters are so quick to disappear. I’ve wanted to see a kori bustard for the longest time, so to see one vicariously is probably the closest I’ll get. Finally, the notched tusk elephant pic is excellent.

Senior Digital Ranger

Amazing pictures. I have a couple that are my favorite: elephant calf reaching down to quench its thirst and the pose of the Three Rivers Female.

Master Tracker

Super photos, a reminder that there are still parts of the world that are truly wonderful

Kelsey, you have some wonderful shots of head on views of many animals this week. I do not have a favorite among those. The picture of the Kori Bustard is my favorite this week only because it is so rare and unique in its feathers and coloring.

Thrilling set of pictures starting with the baboon… males are something unsettling, also given their personalities. The Ndzenga male is the personalised calm and peace in resting lions. All pictures are superb, feet or not. The giraffe calf is too sweet and the elephant absolutely adorable. The bustard is one of the most spectacular bird, so happy to see it. The three rivers female and the Nkoveni Female are so beautiful. I see the cub bears the same “aegyptian eyes- like” of its mum. Lion cubs already have manes! All big cats are superb. The jackal is so pretty. The menacing buffalo look is the symbol of a great fighter and leader. I see herons like it they nest in woods close to the water. How do Hornbills nest? They are nice birds

I forgot the warthog not often photographed and very welcomed, so cute!

I really appreciate the selection of photos you’ve posted for TWIP. I especially liked the not often seen warthog as it dug for something to eat in addition to the suckling giraffe calf. The Maxim’s male is impressive even with his feet cut off, and seeing the Kori Bustard against the winter grasses was fantastic. Nkoveni and her cubs are always fun to see and I hadn’t seen Ngungwe since before she became independent. The image of the notch on the elephant’s tusk was another favorite as I always look for a detail shot. I’ve not been there during the spring and so it will be interesting to spend some time there beginning in three weeks – perhaps there will be some flowers blooming throughout the bush.

I love all your photos, Kelsey

Hi Kelsey, my favorite this week is your image of the Kambula pride lying on the sand. I also loved your image of the Grey Herion, beautiful bird and hope to see their chick’s soon. Buffalo’s drinking together is also a lovely image.

FANTASTIC week!!! So much variety! Beautiful lighting this time of year too!

Thanks, Kelsey. My favourite this week is the gently dozing Ndzhenga male – I have an irrestible urge to stroke his nose (don’t worry, I won’t be attempting this on my next visit!)

Senior Digital Ranger

I hope the Ntsevu Pride can overcome the infestation of the mange. It is very sad to watch the little ones succumb to this horrible pest. Your photos are fantastic, very difficult to pick one, but I think mine would have to the the left-tusk elephant. Thank you for sharing!

Great shots Kelsey! We love the one you got of the Giraffe with the background dropped out! The leopard images are special and we loved seeing the full pride of lions resting in the open riverbed!

What a variety of subjects, perspectives and edits this week! I love it, Kelsey. That sweet little elephant drinking made me smile. Loved this round-up.

Great pictures this week Kelsey! I was fascinated by your caption about the kori bustards being one of the world’s heaviest birds, and read that the males can reach four feet in height!! How tall would you guess this bird is?

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