Reading this title, many of you may be thinking,
“What exactly does he mean by, “Other”?”
Let me briefly explain…
Everyone has their own unique way of cataloguing their photographs in a manner they deem most appropriate. I have found that the method that makes the most sense to me is keeping photographs that include specific subjects in folders that apply to that subject only. For example, photographs that include lions will be kept in a folder titled, “Lions.” Photographs that include leopards will be in “Leopards,” and so on… As it stands my folders that include the most (edited) images are, in this order; Leopards (430); Lions (348); Elephants (267); Wild Dogs (178).

A screenshot of the folders in which I order my photographs. I keep the raw images too in case I change my mind on the final edit down the line.
So what happens to all the other images?
Well, I have another folder titled, “Other” that includes photographs featuring an array of other subjects, and some with no subjects at all. The folder includes, amongst others, photos of Zebras and other ‘general game’, landscapes and birds (although upon writing this blog and realising that 6 of the 10 photos were of birds, I needed to create a folder solely dedicated to this taxonomic class).
I realised that so often it is the lions and other big five animals, the cheetahs and the wild dogs that find themselves in the spotlight. So without taking any credit away from these subjects, nor the photographs that they are so often featured in, I thought it was important to pay some attention to some images that might otherwise fall by the wayside. I hope you enjoy a selection of My Top 10 “Other” Images.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
![Male Ostrich Portrait B&w [rcb]](
A close-up portrait of a male ostrich. I love the detail in the eyes and small feathers you can appreciate in this image.
![Bateleur Perched In Dead Leadwood [rcb]](
An adult female Bateleur perched in a dead leadwood tree. Due to the cloudy conditions in which this photograph was taken, a high-key edit seemed most appropriate to me.
![Storks Flying In Formation At Sunset (2) [rcb]](
A flock of storks (most likely yellow-billed), flying in formation in the late afternoon golden light.
![Vultures In Dead Knobthorn Tree (2) [rcb]](
White-backed Vultures perched in a dead knobthorn tree, with moody clouds in the background adding to the melancholic scene.
![Zebras At Eye Level B&w [rcb]](
A small dazzle of zebra at eye level in black and white. Often overlooked, zebras can be very appealing to photograph (and then post-process into black and white if you so wish…)

I’m completely aware that this may not be the best image, but the rarity of the content(s) ensured that these mating pangolins made it into my top 10.

A Yellow-billed Kite in aerial pursuit of termites emerging, along with swallows and swifts blurred out in the background embarking on the same endeavour.
Quite the cornucopia, Robbie. Since I was there to see the mating pangolins (as well as the walking pangolin two days later) that’s a favorite pic. Close second is the ostrich.
The photo of the white-bellied sunbird with the colour of the orange flowers and the greenery are just stunning Robbie.
Robbie, thanks for sharing your other photos. I really liked the songbird at the aloe tree.
Hi Robert, very interesting, I think everyone has its own peculiar way of gathering pictures. I personally separate landscapes with or without animals, sun or moon, sea, sea vegetation etc from the ones with animals and or plants and trees. Sea pictures are my favourite, as the water World is completely different from ours, it gives me the peace and relaxation I need and the sea creatures that allow me into their lives for some time are simply amazing. There are sea vegetation and algae, sponges, corals and so on besides fish and marine mammals or clams. Then there are the spectacular pictures, like black raven against hooded crows in flight against a fantastic rock wall, or just birds of prey or lovely son birds on peculiar landscapes. That takes to the flowers and insects, or small reptiles. Terrestrial mammals honestly come at last, both because of the territory or because of the beauty and peculiarly of the image. I appreciate your list so much, landscapes are the top, I love leopards above all big cats, but would prefer cheetah and small cats and foxes, otters and small hyenas species to wild dogs. They may be expressive or fit well in some light but not as fascinating as the other ones…
Ps I count that 6 out of 10 of your listed pictures are with birds… a very favourite subject for most!
Great shots, I think birds are some of the most-attractive photographic subjects …
Every time I see that mating pangolins picture I marvel at the photographer’s good fortune to find not just one pangolin but two and then the odds that they might mate just as the picture is taken!!!! Wow!!! I hope you also bought a lottery ticket that day!!! We started off organizing by animal but too often multiple animal species were keepers in the same picture. Then Lightroom introduced us to Keywords and Ratings which meant we could leave the photographs in folders named for the trip/ocassion and keyword/rate the image for later viewing specifically. This has worked especially well for animals, landscapes and family events. Once again, nice images!
LOVE the vulture one…so perfect…mood and lighting for the birds. “Other” shots just as great as the bigger animals ones!
I know what you mean by the “others”. As much as I love viewing and photographing the big five, some of my favorites actually are of something different.
Of your favorites, I particularly like the ostrich portrait, your elephant at sunset and the pangolins. Ostriches are not easy to capture and yours looks so regal. I also have an affinity for pangolins so that ticked my list. The elephant and that lighting, sensational!
Thanks for your way of filling your photography of the animals of Londolozi. As it is, LRC is difficult if you have to learn how to use it by yourself. I watch videos on different subjects helping me to import file and edit and lastly to file in a folder where I can see them later. Luckily I don’t have so many photographs like you Robbie, but thank you for your input about filling.
Robbie, the detail in the ostrich portrait is stunning. I also love that you kept the swallows in the image with the yellow-billed kite. They could have easily been edited out, but it gives a little more context and sense of movement. I can imagine the scene exactly.
Robbie, What a great suggestion for organizing our wildlife images! We especially loved your shot of the male ostrich. The detail is amazing and it’s cool that you switched it to b&w!
Super “other”pics Robbie. Favourite is the white-backed vultures – stunning composition of that pic. Next favourite the pangolin. I keep all my pics grouped by trip / occasions and use keywords to make searching easier, but there is definite merit to grouping them as you do. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Robbie
I like your top ten others!
And IWould have loved above all a personal sighting of those pangolins!
Many images that we seem to ignore, the beautiful gazelles and wonderful flowers , or the stars at night …