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Reece Biehler

Guest contributor

Reece was born and raised in Johannesburg where from a young age he nurtured his love for the African Bush through countless holidays to the Kruger National Park. It was here where he found his 'happy place' and it would only be a ...

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on The Plains Camp Males at the Causeway!

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Great update and spectacular photos of these male lions, Reece.

Thank you, Christa! I am so thrilled you enjoyed the update.

Wow! What an impressive sight the Plains Camp males are! And to see them on the causeway and with that carcass – memorable! There’s trouble ahead for the Ndzengha males!

Hi Mary Beth. Only time will tell what is in store for the Ndzengha Males!

Hi, what a spectacular view! I can imagine how you felt close to such animals! Nothing gets waisted in the natural world… yes, hippos are watching at lions. They may become prey to the big cats, but lions fear hippos too, when they have to cross the pools and rivers… each in its favourite element, they may get advantage of the situation.

Hi Francesca, I am so glad you enjoyed this blog. Indeed, the circle of life remains true in every situation.

Thanks for this update on the Plains Camp Males’ participation is the disposal of this hippo’s carcass. It seems at least three different groups of lions got in on the act!!

I am so glad you enjoyed this blog, Paul!

The two Plains Camp males are truly stunning males and are a force to be reckoned with. I think sooner or later there is going to be an altercation between the Plain Camps males and the Ndhzenga Males. I am afraid for the Ntsevu pride as the cubs will be killed by these two huge males because they are not the father of those cubs. Anxiously we await the outcome of this whole ordeal.

Hi Valmai, I am so glad you enjoyed this blog. They certainly are keeping us on the edge of our seats!

Senior Digital Ranger

wow amazing series.

Thank you, Mark. I am thrilled that you enjoyed this update!

Thanks for the update Reece. The Plains Camp males are impressive, keep the blogs and pictures coming.

Thank you, William. I hope you are keeping well.

Master Tracker

For lions as for people the only constant is change

Very well said, Ian!

amazing, thank you for sharing!

Thank you, MJ. I’m glad that you enjoyed the blog!

Terrific update Reese! Those Plains Camp males are truly impressive and yes, it will be interesting to see what happens in the next several weeks!

Hi Denise! Thank you very much! The Plains Camp Males are certainly keeping the lion dynamics of Londolozi very interesting!

“killed by a larger dominant male the morning prior” This reads as though a lion larger than the biggest of the Plains Camp Males killed the hippo. Which male lion was this?

Apologies for the confusion. The hippo bull was presumably killed by another hippo bull. The lions only happened to stumble across the carcass.

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