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Shannon Dawson

Marketing Assistant

Shannon was first exposed to Londolozi as a guest when she was a young girl. Straight away she was in awe at the warm feeling she got from the people and the place. After growing up in Johannesburg she graduated with honours in ...

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on The First Londolozi Female Tracker – Tsundzukani This Women’s Day

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Senior Digital Ranger

Please give Tsundukazi our love and congratulations ! When we met her at Londolozi she was hoping to become fully employed as a tracker after her internship. JR and I were inspired by her passion, commitment , how articulate and enthusiastic she is. Our prayers were answered that she would become Londolozi’s first female tracker!

Thank you for your kind words, Jane. We are delighted to have Tsundzukani as part of our Londolozi family!

Congratulations, Tsundzukani! How wonderful that you have achieved so much. I wish you all the best for your work at Londolozi. What a great place to be working and especially as a tracker. I have always admired the art of tracking and the trackers who are so great at doing this amazing job. .Maybe we will meet soon.

Thank you so much for your wishes Christa, I will pass them onto Tsundzukani.

Hear that sound? It’s a glass ceiling shattering! Congratulations Tsundzukani, this is a fantastic achievement. How fitting for this first to be at Londolozi–a leader in innovation and progress.

An absolute powerhouse! We couldn’t agree with you more, Chelsea.

Congratulations to Londolozi and Tsundukazi! We asked in 2022 about any women in the Tracker Academy and were told there was one. All our best for you and for future female trackers.

Thank you, Willa. We are all so excited!

Congratulations Tsundukazi, great job in becoming the first female tracker at Londolozi.. I hope and pray that you continue to experience the very best in life.

Thank you, William. I will pass on your wishes to Tsundzukani.

My congratulations to Tsundzukani in achieving her dream of becoming a tracker through her perseverance and following her dream. It is not easy for young women, especially in Africa, to want to work in a field that typically is seen as a “man’s job”, so I applaud Tsundzukani in continuing her education at the GWF that ultimately led to her applying to the tracker academy. That said, kudos to Londolozi for recognizing her skills and positive personality in hiring her as the first female tracker and I’m sure not the last. I enjoyed listening to the podcast and could feel the warmth and power of the sisterhood that ultimately is that golden, unbreakable bond between women. Thank you Shannon!

Thank you, Denise. She is such an inspiring woman, and we are so grateful to have her in the Londolozi family!

Well done and Congratulations is in order to you Tsundzukani. You have made your dream come true with determination and preserving until you reached your goal. First Lady Tracker, that is absolutely awesome.

Absolutely awesome indeed, Valmai!

Congratulations on your long joy and your success, Tsundzkunai! We wish you a long happy career at Londolozi and look forward to meeting you !!

I will pass on your well wishes, Mary Beth.

Our family was fortunate enough to be introduced to Tsundzukani when we visited in June and were thrilled to see a woman in the tracker’s seat. So happy for her and all she has accomplished. Can’t wait to see her bright smile again on future visits and hopefully many more female trackers inspired by her in years to come.

We are looking forward to the same, Phoebe!

Tsundzukani, it was great having you as our tracker recently. I was amazed to watch you in action! We were fortunate to get to spend time and get to know you. Thank you!

Thank you, Mike!

Woohoo, congratulations to Tsundukazi!!!!

Thanks very much, Paul! I will pass on your congratulations to Tsundzukani.

Hope we get to meet her to congratulate her personally when we’re there next week!

We hope so too, Vin!

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