Involved Leopards

Maxim's 5:3 Male

Maxim's 5:3 Male

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Barry Bath

Guest contributor

Barry grew up in Johannesburg and knew from a young age that he had a true love for the African bush yet it was only after spending several years in the corporate world in Europe, followed by a two year sabbatical of traveling ...

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on The Maxim’s Male is Expanding his Territory

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He’s superb. Do you know the largest area recorded for a male leopard? He may beat a record at Londolozi, coming from far away…

The expansion of the Maxim’s Male territory in Londolozi is such an incredible story that really highlights how impressive wildlife can be. This leopard, with his massive size and elusive nature, seems to be claiming more and more space, pushing out other males like the Senegal Bush Male. It feels like we’re witnessing a live, epic competition for territorial dominance.

What strikes me most is how the Maxim’s Male has managed to achieve all this while remaining so elusive. I can only imagine how thrilling it must be for those who have seen him in person—a truly unique experience. At the same time, I wonder how this shift will affect the other leopards in the area, especially the females. It’s like watching a nature soap opera, full of drama and power struggles, but with an air of mystery that leaves us wanting to know more.

Thank you, Barry, for narrating and sharing this fascinating story to us. It’s a privilege to follow these special moments through your words and photos. I can’t wait to see how this story unfolds in the coming years!

He is an impressive beast, perhaps even more so by being so elusive and ‘mysterious.’ But I hope he doesn’t chase the Senegal Bush male too far! Thanks for the update.

Thanks, Barry, for this update on the Maxim’s male. It will be very interesting to follow the development of his territory and maybe see him mating with one of the females.

Barry he surely is a huge leopard and a stunning one at that. Imagine the cubs that he will sire with the females he will mate with. Know he is pushing the Senegal bush male further away, so that he can take territory there. Beautiful specimen.

Impressive leopard, thanks for the great pictures Barry.

Given the size of the Maxim’s male, it’s no wonder that other males have taken notice of his shifting territory boundaries and moved further north and west. I had always believed Senegal Bush male was the largest leopard within Londolozi, until I saw your image of Maxim’s after mating, noting the substantial size difference between him and the female. No wonder Nsuku, his presumed offspring is so large at just 3 years old.
Given the number of young males that have achieved independence in the past 18 months, it will be interesting to see if any of them can secure some territory going forward. Looking forward to more updates.
Btw, any sightings of Mashaba?

Thanks for the update, Barry. He certainly is very imposing and impressive – I can vouch for that, having seen him for the 2nd time late last year. The 1st time was a brief glimpse, but this time he stopped for long enough for us to admire him properly.
Do you think he’s larger than Nweti?

I’ve not seen either leopard in person, but how would he compare size wise to the late Anderson male? I seem to remember he was a huge cat.

The Maxim’s male is truly impressive, as evidenced by the Senegal Bush male relinquishing territory, at least for now. It will be interesting to hear of updates as he asserts his dominance.

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