About the Author

Dan Hirschowitz


Dan developed his love for the African bush whilst growing up on a family run farm in the Kwa-Zulu Natal midlands. Growing up in the bushveld he was surrounded by wildlife and finds his passion in what nature has to offer. After completing ...

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on The Golden Light Of Mid-Winter And Lions Drinking

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Senior Digital Ranger

Anything on the tsalala lioness, it’s been awhile

Senior Digital Ranger

Striking photos of all those wet lions, Dan!

Great golden images, Dan! I could almost hear them lapping up the cool water!

Hi, Dan, fantastic photos! The light is really spectacular and so are all the lions of this beautiful pride.

Love their wet faces and the reflections in the water too!

Beautiful lighting, wonderful images Dan. Thanks for taking us on a drive through the bush highlighted by winter’s golden light.

Beautiful photo’s of the lion’s drinking lining up next to each other, and the reflection in the water is a bonus. Your sunset and sunrise photo’s are stunning Dan. Hope you enjoyed your two week leave and rested well.

What a spectacular series of beautiful pictures! When thinking of Africa, the first animal that comes to someone’s mind is the lion. They look healthy and strong. The autumn light and colours are special in most countries. It is my favourite season. Plants offer a unique view that melds with the light of the sun, and lions are like the characters of a painting portraying the best of nature…

Dan, wonderful pictures of the sunsets. The colors are magnificent golden hues. I also liked the two young lions drinking with their reflections in the water. Great job today.

Wow! Fabulous reflections. Thanks Dan.

Senior Digital Ranger

Dan, these pictures are simply spectacular. Thank you.

Gorgeous……..one of the prettiest sights in the African bush!

Senior Digital Ranger

Astonishing photos Dan.

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10 April, 2798
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