Involved Leopards

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Maxim's 5:3 Male

Maxim's 5:3 Male

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Three Rivers 2:2 Female

Three Rivers 2:2 Female

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About the Author

Ross Cheshire

Guest contributor

Ross was born and raised in Durban, spending many a family holiday in the northern parts of KwaZulu Natal. It is here that his love and passion for the African Bush developed. He decided to combine his love of working with people and ...

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on The Ximungwe Female Is Mating Again

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In September 2022, she (Ximungwe Female) posed for us up on a mound for quite a long time and then we followed her watching her mark her area. Looking forward to this September’s sightings!

Hi Ross, I was struck by the word “mourning “, and appreciate it deeply. There still are a majority of researchers that exclude de facto any feelings comparable to humans ‘, considering them a personal view of the observer, without taking into account other factors, such as hormones production and brain functions. Each animal is unique, but all mothers are linked to their offsprings and take care of them to risk their lives if they have to. Mourning is a perfectly safe hypothesis in a mother that has spent some time with her offspring, produced milk, carried on her pregnancy and so on. The same behavioural ecologists I had to study with were to avoid any mourning mentioning… luckily times have been changing and it’s so nice to read articles like this. The photos are great, how large is the Macxim’s male, she looks small close to him… as he controls such a vaste territory, he will be hopefully able to protect his future offsprings.

Good luck to the beautiful Ximungwe female, the Three Rivers female and her adorable little daughter!

Hi Francesca, I am so with you! Animals feel a whole range of emotions and they are not akin to humans.. they are absolutely the same! Happiness or sadness is not different for a person or any animal… perhaps the only difference is that as people, we hang on to our emotions because we have that cursed frontal lobe that keeps on pulling us back to emotions that are not even always relevant in the moment anymore. Animals are not robots; they feel just as we do. Thank you, Ross, for the sensitive observation.

Great update Ross, I hope she is successful in becoming pregnant and raising her cubs.

Such great news! It was heartbreaking she lost her last litter but fingers crossed she can once again raise at least one cub to adulthood, continuing the Sunset Bend legacy.

Thanks Ross for the good news on the Ximungwe female and Maxim’s male mating. We would love to see more leopard cubs again, especially the Ximungwe’s cubs as she had lost her cubs previously. Maxim’s male is a huge male and a stunning specimen.

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