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Barry Bath

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Barry grew up in Johannesburg and knew from a young age that he had a true love for the African bush yet it was only after spending several years in the corporate world in Europe, followed by a two year sabbatical of traveling ...

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on Will the Plains Camp Males Take Over the Nkuhuma Pride?

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Very interesting report on the perceived expansion of the Plains Camp males into additional territory. Given the location of the Nkuhuma pride, it seems the other three prides due west of Londolozi, would be more vulnerable to young nomadic males who could move in and kill the cubs whilst the Plains Camp are seeking additional territory with a pride. Actually, the Skorro male had been seen in the area and does anyone know what happened to him? There was a young Talamati lion around last year as I recall and rumor has it he’s been seen on a kill with the young Nkuhuma. Seems the only constant is change.

Wow. These boys get around. I first saw the Plains Camp Males in April 2023 at Dulini, then again with their cubs at the den of the Ximungwe pride in October 23. Earlier this year, again at Dulini, the males were no longer there but had been sighted north of Londolozi. I will be visiting Londolozi for the first time in September and it would be amazing if I saw these boys there again!

Siring cubs with so many prides already makes them a success in my book. I hope that if they do expand, the cubs they’ve already sired will not be killed by other roaming males. Have there been any sightings of the Tsalala female with her cubs yet?

Hi, I think some of you said they actually are the biggest lions on the reserve… if combined with a high testosterone level, this could be a winning factor in their rise and success. The Ndzenga males have sired their cubs and are some of them independent? If so, a time of change may flow according to the rythm of nature… even if I must admit I’m always dismayed and saddened when females, their cubs and dominant males are so brutally attacked. Hopefully the Nkuhuma pride will accept them without losing too much… I’m so curious about the Tsalala female!

Thanks for the update Barry, only time will tell how the Plains Camp males will flourish and how large a territory they can command. Please keep posting the wonderful pictures.

Since they were first seen at Londolozi, these two lions have indeed become quite impressive big males. Nice that they have a good territory with several prides. Were the Tsalala lioness’ cubs also fathered by them? And have you ever seen those cubs? I am looking forward to meeting all these lions soon.

Thanks for the update, Barry. I’ve also been wondering about the Skorro male, haven’t seen anything about him on the blog for ages. I was lucky enough to see him when I came in November – hopefully he’s not in the same area as the Ndzhenga males?

Hi Barry, it seems as if the Two Plains Camp Males are seeking more territory and they would surely would want to take over the Nkuhuma pride with the females and thirteen cubs. What has happened to the huge Skorro male.

The PCM also have 2 subadults offspring living in their territory, the 2,5yo Nkuhuma Breakaways, a male and a female. They also were seen interacting with the Othawa Pride in the West ( two 3 years and 3 months old females ), they didn’t kill the Othawas so perhaps they’ll eventually mate with them once they go into estrus.

I don’t know if they can take over the Nkuhuma Pride without abandoning their other prides, at least to the larger public, we’ve not seen the PCM with the Mangheni Pride in a long long time, despite they being their largest pride with 10 cubs.

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