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Sean Zeederberg

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As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Unbelievable Pangolin Sighting And The Nhlanguleni Female Leopard on Patrol- Virtual Safari # 223

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Sean, thank you for the pangolin viewing, interesting creatures.

They are such fascinating creatures.

Senior Digital Ranger

Cool video of pangolin! Very rare footage! Congratulations.

It was awesome to follow the pangolin around for a while. Glad you enjoyed it.

Hi, how incredibile both views are! I am over the hills to see the Nhlanguleni again, she is as spectacular as ever – where is her plaque? The pangolin, incredibile, in the daylight, a little pangolin on its own… did you fin out if it was a female or a male? Maybe it can have babies in the future at Londolozi, how fantastic!

The Nhlanguleni Female is a spectacular leopardess, it was great to spend time with her again. It was so difficult to tell whether it is male or female. The only real way is that males are a bit bigger than females. So if I had to guess I would say that this one was a female, meaning that yes, it could have babies in the future.

Great to see Nhlanguleni again. Funnily enough, as I watched her I was thinking that she must have mated by now after losing her cubs, and then you said she’d been seen mating some weeks ago. Which male was she with?
How lucky you were to spend that time with the pangolin. Much though I’d love to see one, I don’t think it’s going to happen!

The Nhlanguleni Female was mating with the Ntomi Male, which is another interesting dynamic. So hopefully, she will be due some cubs and then the search for her den begins again.
We were so lucky to see this pangolin. I wouldn’t count yourselves out just yet, you could see a pangolin at any point on one of your next trips.

Two really wonderful animals that you have presented in this video: the Nhlanguleni Female and this epic meeting with a Pangolin. For years and years I wanted to see a pangolin. But, as they are either so rare or so well hidden that one rarely sees them, I only saw one on my 23 (!!) safari this April.
So I am really excited about your video of such a special animal that is so often hunted down and killed by stupid humans. Thanks for this really special video.

It was so awesome to see the pangolin and then have it get up and start moving about, although I did have to wait for quite some time. I am so glad that you enjoyed this video.

Hi Sean, that is a pity the player stopped, but we understand things can go wrong at times. It was wonderful to see the Nhlanguleni female, she is such a dynamic female. Let’s hope she did fall pregnant with the mating bouts she had. Thrilled to
hear you filmed a pangolin, they are not often seen.

Sorry to hear that the player stopped for you, it appears to still be working perfectly fine our side and I haven’t heard of anyone else having an issue. Please try again and let me know if you are still having trouble. Or alternatively, you can click the link to the YouTube Video and watch that there.

It’s great to see Nhlanguleni once again, looking in good form as she moved throughout her territory. I believe one of her daughters moved south after becoming independent and the other, Nkuwa bridges the western border of Londolozi. Has she managed to raise her male cubs to independence?
Seeing a pangolin is a true gift since they are nocturnal and so elusive, spending most of their time in the low brush and grasses. You captured some amazing video of this curious creature and the guests must have been over the moon.

The Nhlanguleni Female is still looking great. As far as I am aware she still has both of her male cubs, hopefully they make it to independence.
It was a special sighting of the pangolin indeed.

Thank you Sean I used the link to your reply email and was able to see the amazing footage of the pangolin in it’s natural habitat. So so precious and I was very excited to see the face and the long tongue and off course those claws. Nhlanguleni female is a stunning leopard and I was able to see all the footage of her as well, marking her territory and cleaning herself. Thanks for helping out Sean, so that I could these two amazing animals.

Hi Sean!
Wonderful footage of this gorgeous leopardess! I believe we were with you on this drive. Is she the mother of the male cub we saw on our last day? Who was the female we saw after the male cub on that morning drive?
Thank you for an incredible experience. I wish I never had to leave.

Hi Sharon, So this was a different female, but we had a very similar experience. She was the Nkoveni Female (https://leopards.londolozi.com/leopard/nkoveni-22-female). I am so glad you had such a good time. Hopefully, we will see you back here again soon.

Thanks, Sean. Which was the female we saw on the other successful day? Same one? And yes, I’m looking forward to going back soon!

The leopard in the video was the Nhlanguleni Female and the Leopard you saw was the Nkoveni Female.

Wonderful sightings. The leopardess is absolutely stunning!! She was so relaxed. Fantastic find with the pangolin. I didn’t realize they were that long. They don’t have any natural predators do they?? Wonderful virtual safari and thanks for sharing. You have the best job in the world 💜🐆

Another super cool pangolin video Sean! I think this might be only the second one you all have captured over these many years?!!

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