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Patrick Grealy


Patrick was born and raised in Johannesburg and from a young age dreamt about living in the bush. He grew up going on family holidays to Madikwe in the North West where his passion grew. After high school Patrick went to the Eastern ...

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on Crocodiles’ Temperature Dependent Sex Determination

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Senior Digital Ranger

Patrick, Wow! Never knew this about the temperature. So would Sept/Oct be the best time to potentially see baby crocs?

Thank you Patrick for your interesting story on the Nile crocodiles Temperature Dependant Sex Determination. So unique in their own way these reptiles. Warmer temperatures will bring about the males and cooler temperatures the females. I am petrified of them and know that they can be brutual. Keep us up to date with the courtship please.

Thanks for the information Patrick. The nile crocodile is certainly a reptile to respect.

First of all, the photos accompanying your blog are fantastic as oftentimes we can only see a small fraction of their body, when submerged, during a drive. Secondly, interesting fact that temperature determines the sex and in fact all the offspring will be the same sex. Always great to learn new information about nature’s creatures.

Temperature-dependent sex determination is a phenomenon I’ve never heard of – amazing! Thanks for the biology lesson, Patrick!

Very cool Patrick! Please keep us updated as the season progresses!!

I would love to see video of the bellowing and courtship behaviors. Maybe Sean will be able to capture some for the video safari. Our resident painted turtles have been nesting in our neighborhood, and I believe their sex is also temperature dependent. It begs the question of how these species will survive given rising global temperatures. Since they have existed relatively unchanged for millennia, I’m guessing they’ll be just fine. But too many males could theoretically throw things off. I suppose the nests are such that the temperature differs depending on the various depths of the eggs? Perhaps that will be the saving grace.

A fascinating overview, Patrick. I thrive on these sort of tidbits that aren’t normally part of the routine safari (as if there’s such a thing!).

Crocodiles are certainly fascinating animals. Thanks for this interesting blog on them, Patrick.

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