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Megan Wade

Guest contributor

Born and raised in Cape Town, Megan has always been drawn to the outdoors, spending much of her free time exploring Southern Africa and venturing into the mountains. Her passion for connecting with and helping others led her to pursue a BSc in ...

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on Exploring the Evolutionary Origins of Hyenas

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That’s very interesting, I’ve often wondered about that. But although they’re fascinating creatures, they’re doomed to always be at the bottom of the popularity stakes! Well done to Nkoveni for reacting so swiftly….and how wonderful for you all to see a hoist. That was top of my bucket list, and finally on my 12th visit I watched Ximungwe hoist an impala into a tree (also watched by Ntomi, who was still a cub then). I’d seen it happen on TV and your blogs, but to actually be there was a truly phenomenal experience.

Megan, thank you for the history of hyenas . They have always been a more unsavory animal in my thoughts but, I have learned over the years that nature needs the scavengers and relentless predators in order to keep a balance. The hyena deserves more respect than I think I have given it over the years.

Fascinating! Thank you so much for these wonderfully informative blogs – they enhance my understanding and so enjoyment of wildlife so much!

Hyenas quickly became one of our faves after our safari in Kenya…they are remarkable creatures that get a very bad rap!!

This was fascinating! I never would have guessed they were cousins to mongooses.

Nkoveni is the ultimate leopardess and she has strength to take up a huge impala ram into the tree tops. So sad to hear about her one cub that was injured, and know not living anymore as the lions killed it. Hyenas is the Bain of my life. They are always stealing other predators hard earned kill, and forever killing everything that moves. The sound they make gives me the creeps.

Fascinating reading Megan, including information that explains some of their behavior. I had to laugh at the first photo of the hyena desperately trying to reach that kill but Nkoveni is just too smart! Most of the time they are just hovering around the base of the tree waiting for pieces to fall their way, or when really lucky, a dropped carcass. By the way, I think the pups are really cute…..

Thanks for this interesting history of the hyena’s evolution, Megan.

One of my very favorite African animals. They not only reject the duality of dog or cat but also male or female (sort of)!

Fascinating blog Megan. I’ve learned through these pages to appreciate the brilliant natural design of the hyena, and even like them a bit!

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