Involved Leopards

Three Rivers 2:2 Female

Three Rivers 2:2 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Nkoveni 2:2 Female

Nkoveni 2:2 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Xinkhova 2:2 Female

Xinkhova 2:2 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard

About the Author

Kate Arthur

Guest contributor

After a few years of working in the world of economic consulting, Kate’s love of adventure, wilderness and sense of curiosity led her to move away from the city and join the Londolozi guiding team. It was amidst her years of studying politics, ...

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on The Week In Pictures #649

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Kate, my favorite picture this week is the one of the two hippos. Securing dominance in their world is of the utmost importance. Great picture thanks for sharing.

Thanks William!

Kate my favorite foto is also the Nhlanguleni female with her tail up in the air. The Nkoveni cubs are so gorgeous and very inquisitive.

Thanks Valmai!

Kate, Thanks for sharing an amazing set of images – each one more special than the last! We loved seeing the Cubs being so playful. Our favorite is the two Hippos going at it. Fantastic shot!

Thank you so much Klaubers! Hope to see you both back at Londolozi soon!

WOW Kate!!! Seriously one of the BEST WIP!!! EVERY pic is so great…can’t chose even a couple they are all just so special! What a great week you had! Bravo!

Thank you so much, Anita. Appreciate the love!

Thanks for the lovely photos, Kate. Ma favourite is – how could it be otherwise – the one with the three leopard cubs at the waterhole. Three such tiny leopards that’s just sooo good!
However, I also admire all your other photos. They are just great.

Thank you so much Christa!

Great shots this week, Kate! The image of Nhlanguleni walking toward the viewer is wonderful and those of Nkoveni’s cubs are so special! I’ve always hoped to see hippos fight and you’ve captured the scene perfectly!

Thank you Mary Beth!

Wonderful photos Kate, thank you – I’ve added 4 to my favourites but they were all terrific. How lucky you were to see Nkoveni and her 3 cubs out in the open, how old would they be now?

Thanks Suzanne! They are 5 months old now!

All superb pictures and subjects- what a view the hippos fighting! But my heart goes to the leopard cubs and the lion cub with the stick: they make me smile and the lion cubs is funny and that’s an absolute winner!

Thank you Francesca!

Fantastic collection of photos Kate! I especially liked your images of Nhlanguleni – especially since I just read Ross’s blog. Other favorites, Nkoveni’s cubs and the dazzle of zebras. Truthfully, they’re all favorites.

Thanks very much Denise.

Lovely photos.

Thank you James!

Brilliant TWIP Kate!! So many wonderful images, especially of the Xinhova female leopard! But my favorite has to be the image of the impala herd traveling with the dazzle of zebras!!

Thanks very much Paul!

Those hippo bulls! I can practically hear them. I noticed the Nhlanguleni females ears look to be in great shape for a leopard of her years.

These are amazing! My daughter (7yo) is keeping her fingers crossed for some cub sightings when we visit in a couple weeks. What you are seeing gives me some home for her wish. 🙂

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