About the Author

Kyle Gordon

Londolozi Alumnus

Kyle was born and raised in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. His childhood was spent scurrying barefooted along the banks of various rivers and dams, fishing rod ever-in-hand, enjoying the beauty and freedom of outdoors. Kyle obtained a degree in construction from UCT ...

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on Leap and Bound: The Physics of Animal Movement

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Kyle, thank you for the anatomy lessons. It is always helpful to understand how things work when observing behaviors.

Really interesting blog, thanks Kyle.

Thanks, Kyle for delving into the fascinating physics of animal movement and for your great explanations. Nature is just incredible, in every regard.

Hi Kyle, how absolutely agile and the flexibility these animals have is astounding. There is definitely a balance between form and balance so that these animals can move with lightning speed. So amazing these animals that poses the nuchal ligaments and vertebral trusses with holding those enormous heads in position. Thanks Kyle for your interesting information on these amazing animals.

Fascinating Kyle. Now I have a better understanding of how the antelopes, and I’m assuming zebras and giraffes as well , can move so quickly and efficiently when spooked, running at high speeds yet can pivot and reverse in an instant.
This begs the question, do cheetahs have a similar physical makeup using a nuchal ligament as well as specialized tendons and muscles?

ONCE AGAIN, BRAVO! Sleek and elegant description of nature’s engineering at work! Think we need some trusses and tensile. Keep the beautiful prose coming! Love and hugs!

I hadn’t known of these specific structural adaptations in grazing animals, but have an appreciation for them. There needs to be some mechanism in place to help them keep their heads up. 🙂 I’ve been experimenting with walking backwards for a few minutes several times a week, and that has helped heal some over use in my knees. Apparently, this practice is all the rage in Asia, as it strengthens less used muscles to support hip and knee joints, resulting in fewer replacement surgeries. I’ve definitely noticed a difference.

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