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Barry Bath

Guest contributor

Barry grew up in Johannesburg and knew from a young age that he had a true love for the African bush yet it was only after spending several years in the corporate world in Europe, followed by a two year sabbatical of traveling ...

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on The Xipuku Male Leopard And A Hyena Share Carcass Together Before A Surprise Visitor Steals The Whole Thing

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Super! Bravo to the leopard that stood up in front of the thief and great to see the final move of the handsome lion, so graceful among twigs, they usually walk like tanks in comparison to leopards, but he had grace. Obviously he must watch his back as there are several powerful lion coalitions around…

Hi Barry and Tshepo, that was one of the most exciting encounters I have seen so far!
Only a few days a go, when I finished editing my video of that trip, I added these same scenes to it.
What a great adventure that was!

Senior Digital Ranger

That was epic!!

that was CRAZY!!!

What-the-WHAT?! How incredible! Seeing the Skorro male in the same spot that the leopard had just been really helped to emphasize the size difference of the two cats. Where is this leopard from? I don’t recall hearing about him before. I’m glad he made a hasty retreat and wasn’t hurt by the Skorro male.

Wow Barry, that will certainly qualify as a sighting of the month! Who would have thought – a leopard, hyena sharing a kill only to have it stolen by a lion. Had it been two hyenas coming for the kill, Xipuku would have left. The video truly tells the story, so thank you!

Wow Barry, incredible sighting!!

Oh my gosh, Barry. That video was amazing. We are in count down mode now. Four months and back to Londolozi. I can’t wait for my my friends to see, in person, what I’ve been describing to them (albeit not adequately enough) for the last almost 2 years.

Senior Digital Ranger

What a sensational viewing that must have been. Thank you for sharing the video.

Barry, what an amazing video of the lion stealing the impala carcass from the leopard and the hyena. Thanks for sharing.

Wow that was certainly a great afternoon coming across that incredible kill by the leopard, then having to share his kill with opportunist hyena, only to loose the kill to the majestic Skorro male lion. He is such a beautiful lion and he has to also be looking around as there are quite a few lion coalitions on Londolozi. I don’t the leopard, never heard of him before.

Nature is Kind, Caring and Loving, yet can be so Cruel.

Master Tracker

Amazing sighting, lucky guests

Incredible moment to capture on camera. Well done! What a kooky hyena or maybe they are all like that. The lion was a big surprise to see at the end and really steals the show!

Senior Digital Ranger

Holey shamoley talk about being the right place at the right time! Good Ears Tshepo! WOW what a unique sighting!!! Counting for a 3-fer! as well as possibly a one of a kind – never to be repeated!

W O W … W O W … W O W … thanks for sharing the video..

Not sure how I missed this one earlier – astonishing! Lucky you and your guests.

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10 April, 2798
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