About the Author

Dan Hirschowitz


Dan developed his love for the African bush whilst growing up on a family run farm in the Kwa-Zulu Natal midlands. Growing up in the bushveld he was surrounded by wildlife and finds his passion in what nature has to offer. After completing ...

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on The Joy of Walking In The Bush

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riding in my wheelchair in nature is almost the same as walking as it immerses me in nature where I can hear, see, and smell all that is around me. Thanks for your reminder Dan.

Dan I can just imagine how rewarding it would be to walk in the bush observing everything around you. Using your senses will know be very helpful and useful to understand the wilderness and animals alike. Trackers are well experienced and have loads of knowledge that one can only admire. We live on a reserve and I can relate to sounds of the wild being it different bird sounds, kudu barking, impala’s snorting or even listening to the bush babies at night and watching them jump from tree to tree. It is very special and we appreciate every moment in the reserve.

I absolutely love walking in the bush and try to do it on every safari, if circumstances allow it. Though I would love to accompany the ranger/ tracker duo when they are looking for special animals, I can understand that this might be a bit risky. Anyway, walking in the bush is the best experience one can have.

Walking in the bush can be an amazing experience, just as walking through the redwoods or along a beach. Whether with friends or on your own, it can bring you closer to the natural world as you take time to look, hear, smell,and/or feel the elements around you. Hopefully I can take full advantage of my ranger’s and tracker’s expertise during my visit next year in order to fully appreciate the bush on foot, rather than from my perch in the vehicle.

It’s such a privilege to be in undeveloped nature anywhere, but I felt especially awed while there in Africa.

Dan, Thanks for the great reminder of the special experience it is to walk in the bush! It defintely wakes up the senses! Merry Christmas to you and the Londoz team!

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