Involved Leopards

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

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Nkoveni 2:2 Female

Nkoveni 2:2 Female

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Xinzele 4:4 Female

Xinzele 4:4 Female

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Maxim's 5:3 Male

Maxim's 5:3 Male

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About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on The Week In Pictures #612

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FANTASTIC once again! The Nhlanguleni female cub looking around his / her mum is a stand out for me!

Thank you so much, Gawie. The Nhlanguleni Cubs are super cute.

Fantastic pictures. Glad for the Nhlanguleni female.
Any updates on the 3 Rivers and Nkoveni? Was anyone of them seen after the skirmish?

Thank you, both the Three Rivers Female and the Nkoveni Female have been seen and both are looking perfectly fine. Apart from a few small wounds that are healing well, it is difficult to tell that they had such a serious fight.

Thank you for the answer Sean. We have Amur leopards here, but I loved African after I saw Karula and her kids on WE and now discovering more in your reserve.

Superb array, Sean. Except for the wild dogs (which we missed this trip) this photo collection is a good representation of our splendid 16 day visit in August.

Thank you so much, Willa. That is unfortunate that you never got to see the wild dogs, hopefully on your next trip they are around.

Senior Digital Ranger

Great pictures again this week. I really love the owl in the tree. Really a wow shot!!!

Thank you so much, Mark. It was such a gorgeous scene with the colours in the sky after sunset.

Great Photos, Sean, as always.
Sadly, one of the Nhlanguleni‘s cubs was killed.
I love all of these photos.

Thank you so much, Christa.

Beautiful shots! When you see the wild dog cubs, it’s hard to believe they can be such ruthless hunter/killers when they are so adorable!
Favourite pic this week: the Nhlanguleni cub nuzzling up to mom – just heartwarming! But also, the beauty of their warm colors/spots agains the greenery in that photo is stunning.

Thank you so much, Kylea. I completely agree with your comment on the wild dog pups, they are so cute and playful. It is hard to believe how ruthless they can be when feasting.

All lovely photographs Sean. My favourite is ‘The adorable cub rubs up against its mother, the Nhlanguleni Female, seeming as though to say”Hey mum, did you see what I just did?”’

Thank you so much, Ian. I also really like that shot of mother and cub.

Senior Digital Ranger

The Tsalala female do you think she’s lonely?

Possibly, but there is no way for us to tell or even know if animals feel the same emotions as us humans.

Senior Digital Ranger

I’m heartbroken for the Tsalala lioness

Spectacular images Sean! It’s great to see some good images of the Nhlanguleni Cubs! A great mix of shots this week. Our favorite is the first shot of the Wild Dog pup – it must have been amazing to see 19 of them!

Thank you so much, Michael. It really was amazing to see the 19 pups. Sorry they appeared after you had left.

Sean, TWIPS is beautiful as always. My favorite is thee elephant with the reflection in the water. The Nhlenguleni female and her cubs are also pretty cool.

Thank you so much, William. Those are some great choices, any time with elephants is always special, and of course leopard cubs are super cute.

Did the Three Rivers female take out both cubs of the Nkoveni leopard?

Yes, it is believed that sadly, both the Nkoveni Cubs were killed. We have not seen the second cub since the incident. The image I feature here was the very last photo that I took of her before she was killed.

Senior Digital Ranger

So many wonderful shots but my favorite is the wild dog pup with the sand on his nose. He seems to be planning his next move.

I also love that shot of the wild dog pup with the sand on its nose.

So many choices. My vote is for the departed Nkoveni cub whom we had never seen, but who may have been an indirect cause of the Three River-Nkoveni battle that we witnessed closeup.

Thank you so much, Vin. It was sad that this cub never survived but I guess it is how the wild works isn’t it?

Outstanding collection of photos this week, once again. Favorites this week include the cub of Nkoveni as well as Nhlanguleni’s. But I also have to mention your long exposure was stunning and it made me very happy to see Tsalala looking so healthy.

Thank you so much, Denise. It is hard to not like photos of leopard cubs.

Fantastic shots this week Sean! Sad about the last shot of the cub tho 🙁 But of course the new cub pics are wonderful. We haven’t see the Maxim’s Male in a while? Hands down fave shot is the wild dog pup with the sand on his nose. So adorable!!!

Thank you so much, Anita. It is sad that sadly the cub was killed. The Maxim’s Male is a difficult leopard to get a decent view of and so I was thrilled when he hung around and spent time up in the tree feeding. The wild dog pups were amazing to see and that shot with the sand on its nose is comical.

Always a difficult decision to determine which of the absolutely stunning images I like best. But for this week I have to say my personal favorite was the Nhlanguleni Female with her cub. A close second would be the wild dog pup. An exciting week for certain.

Thank you so much, Karen. There are a fair few images to choose from in this TWIP, so I don’t blame you. I love both those choices of yours.

Just mesmerizing!

Thank you so much, Michael.

Hi Sean such beautiful foto’s this week. I loved the tiny Nhlanguleni cub all on its own. Secondly the Nkoveni cub, which is sad because it is now of the past.

Thank you so much, Valmai. Leopard cubs are amazing to view and so I feel any shot of them is always going to do well.

Another BRILLIANT TWIP Sean! Way too many great images to choose from, so I’ll decline a favorite. I will say, the photo of the Maxim Male in the tree gnawing on what appears to be an antelope leg is really cool. It could be any one of us, relaxing in a tree, eating a sausage-on-a-stick grilled over a campfire!! Bravo!!

Thank you so much, Paul. It was great to see the Maxim’s Male so relaxed as he made short work of the last bits of the impala leg.

Notwithstanding the sad backstory, I sure am glad we stuck around a bit longer for the viewing of Nhlanguleni and her cub!

Thank you so much, Al. It was such an incredible view of the two of them up on the boulder.

Ok…..the cats are usually my favorite shots…..and Tsalala is gorgeous and the leopard cubbies are precious this week. But the Verreaux’s Eagle Owl silhouette is just fabulous! Usually we see these owls in the dense canopies of trees, so to see one on a dead branch at sunset is really gorgeous!

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