Involved Leopards

Nsuku 2:3 Male

Nsuku 2:3 Male

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Maxim's 5:3 Male

Maxim's 5:3 Male

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Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Elephant Standing on Back Legs, Lion Cubs and Leopards Mating All in One Afternoon- Virtual Safari #174

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Wow, what an afternoon! It’s astonishing how the bush can still spring surprises , even for those of you out there all the time.

It really was an awesome afternoon.

What a fantastic afternoon and evening you had, Sean. I always love watching elephants, especially when they are doing something special like this huge bull. He really has wonderful tusks.
The lion cubs are so cute. No wonder they are so inquisitive and brave with mom as a helper in the background.
And it is great to see or hear the Ximungwe mating again. So there might be new cubs soon.
Great sights to look forward to at Londolozi.

I also love watching elephants, they are always doing something. The lion cubs were rather brave having their mother near by.

What an absolute buffet of experiences–and all in one day! If I hadn’t ever visited it would be hard to believe, but such is the wonder that is Londolozi. Is the Maxim’s Male the presumed father of the Ximungwe female’s last cub? I can’t remember.

Sometimes it is hard to believe what we are able to see in one day here. It is presumed that the Senegal Bush Male is the father of the Ntomi Male (Ximungwe Female’s last cub).

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow outstanding as usual Sean..great game drive and photography..I’m envious and we just got back from 30 days in the Serengeti …J

Thank you so much, Jim. It was an incredible afternoon and I was spoilt with the gluttony of big cats.

Hi Sean, wow what an exceptional viewing you had of these incredible animals. How you operate the camera, drive and listen to the other Rangers all at once is incredible. Also the first time for me seeing the elephant bull up on his hind legs, first rapping his trunk on the branch and then lifting himself up. Incredible sighting. Shame the poor leopard lost part of his kill to the mommy lion and her cute cubs. They are very inquisitive, walking around there and even staring up the tree. Fantastic news that the Ximungwe female has mated with the Maxim’s male. He is a stunning huge leopard, let’s hope she falls pregnant so we can see some more cubs. At the end you even saw the lionesses with 1 cub which was an awesome afternoon all in all.

It really was an exceptional afternoon and full of a lot of different animals to keep us entertained.

Fantastic afternoon is an understatement for your sightings – bull elephant, lions with cubs and leopards!! It’s rather amazing that the one Ntsevu lioness still has her five cubs whilst the lioness at the end of your video seems to have just one. Even more fascinating was watching the the cubs and their mother staring up at the Three Rivers young male. No wonder he chose to remain in the treetop gnawing at his piece of the carcass! I saw him during my visit in April as he played hide and seek with us through the drainage line. I imagine he will soon be given a name as he doesn’t seem to be spending time with his mother.
As far as the bull elephant’s standing on his back legs to shake the limb of the tree, that is unusual for most elephants and a terrific capture by you – right place and time.
On another note, the link to click “yes” in “Have you seen this leopard” doesn’t seem to be working. I have seen both Ntomi and 3 Rivers young male and the link isn’t allowing me to register my sighting. Thanks in advance Sean.

It was a fantastic afternoon, thanks, Denise. I will look into the leopard card issue and get back to you.

Senior Digital Ranger

Exciting drive Sean! Thanks for sharing.
14 more days ⏰

Thank you, Ann.

Sean, thank you for a great video. Really liked the elephant on his hind legs shacking the tree.

I think that was also one of my highlights from the afternoon.

I loved this video, the most iconic animals in action and competition but also some sweetness follows. So many fantastic leopards always make my day, especially with cubs

Thank you so much, Francesca.

Insanely cool afternoon Sean!! How the heck will you top it in TWIP?!! Great work sir!

It was an unbelievable afternoon and so I don’t think we will be topping it any time soon.

omigosh those little cubs being all tough at the bottom of the tree with the leopard! do you think the lioness would have tried up the tree to get the rest of the carcass if the cubs weren’t there?

It was hilarious watching the little cubs acting all brave now that mum was around. No I don’t think so, the Three Rivers Young Male was so high up in the tree that I doubt the lioness would have got anywhere close to him.

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