After hearing lions calling all night we get out into the crisp fresh morning game drive to find a new male lion that has been making his name known on Londolozi, the Skorro Breakaway Male. He is a male that comes from a little further north of here and in fact, this was my first time seeing him and I was impressed.
Upon finding him, he continued to move around scent-marking and calling. Proclaiming the parts of Londolozi to the west of our camps as his own. Now, this is territory that has only relatively recently been occupied by the young but up-and-coming Black Dam Males. I think the Skorro Breakaway Male could probably hold his own against each of the Black Dam Males if it was a one-versus-one, but having the numbers stacked against him it probably isn’t a wise idea to be strutting around as bravely as he was.
We follow him for a while before he eventually led us into the Sand River and we were unable to follow him. As we were leaving, Andrea found the two Black Dam Males in pursuit of this rival in silence, following his scent they led us into the river very near to where we lost the Skorro Breakaway Male. With it warming up they settled in the shade and after watching some elephants walk past we decide that any action is only likely to happen after dark.
Late that evening, the Black Dam Males hear another lion calling close by and set off after him. And in the cover of darkness, they drive this rival out.
Enjoy this Virtual Safari…
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Wow. amazing Lion video. this is a must watch!
Thank you so much, Mark. I am glad you enjoyed it.
How exciting, felt as if I was there! Would you say the Skorro male is a similar age to the Black Dam males? – as you say, it doesn’t seem the cleverest move to advertise your presence when you’re on your own. I’m guessing this is not part of the Ndzhenga males territory, but I’ve lost track of how many of them are left (didn’t 1 die a few months ago?)
Thank you so much, Suzanne. I would say yes he is roughly the same age and looked to be a little bit bigger, or in better condition. So we don’t normally see the Ndzhenga Males this far west, we have seen the Plains Camp Males here and more recently the Black Dam Males here.
Yes, there is now only two Ndzhenga Males left.
Wow very exciting. Skorro Jr looked very well built, I think your right in that he could handle the Black Dams one on one. Great to see the Black Dam boys silently advance on him and roar back at the end. This might be a common dynamic that will keep happening until they catch him. All sorts have been happening in Sabi Sands recently.
South of Londolozi Dreadlocks DeLapotre/Nkhulu got attacked by what’s believed to be the Southern Avocas or the Gajima males, have you heard any update on his condition?
The Skorro Breakaway Male is a very impressive young male lion so it is going to be interesting to see where he ends up or what unfolds between him and the other resident males around here. We haven’t heard anything further on the De Laporte Male. It is likely that he has succumbed to the injuries or was finished off by hyenas.
What an intense, uptight video! And what a gorgeous male this Skorro Jr is. His bravery makes me think of the unforgotten Othawa male, one of the most beautiful lions I’ve ever saw. The Black Dam males are incredibly relaxed indeed. Animals take it easy, this is a good lesson of life. I just hope this new male keeps going on, it’s a pity he has no partner to rely on to form a coalition. Who knows. The kings, then the elephants and the caterpillars, this Safari couldn’t ask for more! Do you know what species those caterpillars belong to?
It was a rather intense sighting indeed. Lets see what unfolds going forward.
They are processionary moth caterpillers.
Exciting footage! How long would you say the black dam males have had a strong presence and were they spotted mating? Before the second Ndzenga passed?
The Black Dam Males have been around for a couple of months now where they have been scent marking and calling. I am unsure if they have been seen mating with any females around here but will look into it and find out.
You keep saying the Skorro Junior male. What does that mean? What is his lineage? Thanks.
Sorry Willa. At the time of filming this we were informed that his name was in fact ‘Skorro Junior’ after his father who was named Skorro. However, since posting this video we were corrected and in fact Skorro Junior is an entirely different male also known as the Tumbela Male who was last seen on the 2nd June after an altercation with the Plains Camp Males. This young male in the video should actually be called the Skorro Breakaway Male. As he was raised in a pride called the Skorro Pride in the Timbavati Reserve.
Thank you, Sean. I appreciate your reply
You are most welcome.
What a video! My heart was in my throat. I was terrified for all of you with the skorro male walking so close by!!!!
Read the blog every morning, this takes me back to our visit in April.
Thank you so much, Carol. It was such an intense and amazing sighting.
Sean, fantastic video of the interaction between the male lions. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much, William. I am glad you enjoyed it.
This is really exciting, having three males who compete against each other. The Newcomer is such an impressive, brave and good-looking young male. I don’t hope that he will meet the same fate as that young male in May 21 who was killed by the Birminghams.
I am looking forward to hearing more about this Skorro Breakaway male
It was really exciting and glad that it didn’t result in tragedy.
My goodness Sean your heart must of been pounding in your throat. My heart was pounding in my throat and I was not even there. The calling of the Skorro male goes right through your whole body. All three male lions are very impressive and I am also glad no one is hurt or dead. The Skorro Breakaway lion was really taking a wild chance intruding on the two Black Dam Males territory. Very interesting to see the caterpillars crossing the road in single file. Lucky you were there to make sure they crossed over without getting driven over. Very exciting video, thanks so much Sean.
It was an awesome time spent with all the lions and then also the caterpillars. I am glad you enjoyed it all.
What a gorgeous lion the Skorro male is! So grateful this didn’t end in an ugly confrontation and that he got away safe. It will be interesting to see where he sets territory. Thank you for such fabulous footage and storytelling once again Sean.
He is such an impressive young male lion. Let’s hope he sticks around for a little longer and we can follow his progress.
Sean, Fantastic update on the lions! What an adventure! The Skorro Breakaway Male is very impressive, but 2 on 1 would probably not be good for him. It will be interesting to see if he stays in the region. Perhaps the three of them would be a force to be reckoned with!
Thank you so much, Michael and Terri. Probably not a wise move from the Skorro Young Male but young and filled with testosterone, sometimes silly mistakes are made. aGlad they all made it out alright.
very exciting viewing, so glad it didn’t end to badly for any of them. loved the caterpillars too.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much, Moira.
So glad the Skorro Junior male was not harmed this time. He’s a very handsome lion!
He is a very handsome lion. I am sure this is not the end of the saga.
Excellent work as usual…particurily the close ups..just returned end of week from 4 weeks in TZ…was disappointed with scarcity of cats (leopards, cheetahs primarily)…lions ok but not the others…not used to that..usually have plenty of both. One good cheetah run (unsuccessful however) and that made up for scarcity otherwise.. nothing else remarkable. Keep up the good work. Jim
Thank you so much, Jim. I am sorry to hear that your TZ trip was not as fruitful as you had hoped. Maybe a little trip here might be next on the list to satisfy the need for a few more cat sightings.
This was an exciting video today Sean beginning with the solo vocalization by Skorro jr, and wrapping up with the stereophonic sound of the Black Dam males. Skorro is quite a handsome lion given his full mane and relatively scarless body. He reminds me of a cross between the last Birmingham male and Othawa. It looks like he is strong enough to take on and overpower one of the Black Dams but certainly not both. I’m relieved no harm came to any of the three. I loved the bonus footage of the processionary moth caterpillars filing across the road. That would be a perfect opportunity to leave the vehicle and get some close up shots and video as they are so unusual. So now that the Ndhzengas are down to two, is there any chance the Gijimas could come after them? I’m remembering what happened eventually to the Birmingham last two males…..
Thank you so much, Denise. It was an awesome day spent with the lions and also enjoyed a little bit of time with the processionary moth caterpillars.
The Skorro Young Male is a fantastic looking lion and he does have some resemblance of the late Othawa Male.
There is a chance that the Gijima Males do push further north and challenge the Ndzhenga Males so we will have to wait and see if that happens.
Exciting! We love Skorro Breakaway, he certainly is impressive and a big plus for the fascinating larvae procession, kids enjoyed it! And thank you for protecting them to cross safely
Thank you so much, Camilla. I am glad the kids enjoyed the video. The caterpillars were awesome to spend some time with and get a close look at them all.
Whoa….this was AMAZING!!! My heart was in my throat there for a bit…I can’t imagine what it felt like sitting in the dark with this happening around you! This is such a great example of the beauty and ferocity of nature. I think the Skorro male is absolutely a gorgeous lion – and I love his brazenness. so glad that the encounter ended without any of them dying. I know it’s the circle of life, but in this instance happy for the ending. What beautiful footage – all of it – the elephants, the worms – what an awe inspiring experience!
Thank you so much, Kylea. It was such an amazing sighting to be a part of, and yes my heart was in my throat, pounding.
so awesome! the drama!
love it!
There is so much going on with the lions at the moment, almost every sighting is filled with drama.