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Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on Another Exhilarating Experience with the Young Male Cheetah

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That had to have been an amazing experience for everyone witnessing this struggle between cheetah and impala Kelsey. I know I would be cheering for the cheetah given their lowly status in the predator chain. Just viewing a cheetah is a thrill, but to see a kill – wow! Thanks for the post!

It was truly such a thrill Denise! A special moment for me and my guests that we certainly won’t forget! 🙂

Kelsey that was absolutely awesome for you and your guests to see this happening right in front of your vehicle. Cheetah are very impressive cats and although one does not see them very often. So when you do see one , appreciate the presence of such an incredible cat. So glad he could at least his hard earned catch before the hyenas or lions come and grab it from him.

Thank you Valmai, it was incredible to witness the strength and determination of the cheetah! 🙂

Senior Digital Ranger

The balance of life & death
Survival of the fittest
To witness it puts a chill through my bones

It certainly does have that effect Barbi and truly incredible to witness such a sighting.

Awesome encounter. It’s nature and the hard facts of being prey – from the viewpoint of the Impala. But also the hard fact that predators have to eat and survive and nature will be kept in a certain balance.
But still, it’s sad to see an animal suffer as the Impala certainly did. I wonder whether endomorphines will be released by its body so that the pain is a bit lessened. But I don’t really believe it, because these poor animals that are taken down cry in a dreadful way while they are dying.

Thanks Christa, it is a tough process to watch and comprehend but as you say it is the balance of nature.

Spectacular sighting, Kelsey! Our compliments and best wishes to you and Bennet. Jerry and Sarah

Thank you Jerry. Sending warm regards back to you and Sarah too 🙂

Wow Kelsey, great job searching out the cheetah, and what a reward for your efforts! Great captures, thanks for sharing…

Thank you Rob, very happy to share this incredible sighting!

Incredible sighting and capture Kelsey! I love cheetah, and this young male is proving to be quite a great character in the drama of life in the wild of Londolozi!!

Thank you Paul, he really is an amazing character and we hope to see more of him in future!

Kelsey, What an amazing sighting. Truly once in a lifetime! Amazing that the Cheetah could pull down such a large Impala!

It certainly was a once in a lifetime sighting! 🙂

A cheetah is special enough to see in the bush, but a real live successful cheetah hunt is always like hitting the jackpot! The process of the battle for Life is so profound to sit and absorb.

I couldn’t agree more Lisa, it truly was a profound experience!

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