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Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on The Precious Moment of Seeing a Leopard Cub For The First Time!

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Finding a leopard cub during its first 8-10 weeks of life is so difficult and when you succeed, it’s amazing. I think the only sighting that’s on par is finding a Pangolin. I’m literally keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to experience my first sighting of Nhlanguleni’s cubs/cub a month from now. I hope you have the opportunity for more sightings as time goes on…..

I couldn’t agree more Denise! Such an incredible feeling… Some tough times ahead in the early days for this little cub but I’m very excited to watch it grow and learn under the patience and guidance of the Nhlanguleni female.

How very fortunate you all were. S moment that will never be forgotten.

Extremely fortunate and grateful for moments like this 🙂

We made the blog! This was such an incredible moment, Kelsey, and we owe it all to your and Bennet’s knowledge and patience – and to Bennet’s incredible eyesight! Thank you for this wonderful sighting. Jerry and Sarah

Of course Jerry! Thank you for the kind words – what a privilege it was to share this moment with you all – certainly a moment we won’t forget! 🙂

Wonderful news! Is it correct that the Piccadilly female has also just had a new litter?

Yes, I believe she has Chelsea 🙂

As the leopards future has been a hot topic in the world, every new birth is a hope and this cub is a joy in itself! For the eyes and the heart. What a delightful surprise!

An amazing surprise Francesca, and this little cub certainly brings a lot of joy to everyone!

Senior Digital Ranger

What a precious gift that will last a lifetime ❤️

I couldn’t agree more Barbi 🙂

Senior Digital Ranger

What an incredible find and beautiful picture!!

Thank you Mark!

Kelsey how wonderful to see such a tiny leopard. I wonder if there is only one cub or perhaps more. The Nhlanguleni female is such a stunning leopardess. You were so lucky to see that gorgeous face peeping through the branches.

Yes we were incredibly lucky Valmai! I couldn’t believe it 🙂 As far as we know for now there is just one cub.

Dear Kelsey,
Reliving it is almost as good as it was the day we were with you and saw the precious cub. I hope you have many more sightings. We loved our rides with you and Bennet!

Thank you Laura! I’m so happy you have seen the blog – what an incredible moment we will never forget 🙂
I hope you and Dick are keeping well.

How absolutely exciting for you and your guests! We saw Nhlanguleni‘s two cubs last April, also deep within rock crevices (maybe the same?), and I’ll never forget the awe and excitement of those moments. There’s nothing like it!

Thank you Mary Beth! Certainly nothing like it 🙂 Quite possibly the same rock crevices or very close by!

It is certainly one of the best sightings if one can see a leopard cub, or lion or cheetah cubs, for that matter.
Different camps have different policies regarding the watching of cubs. In some you don’t go and watch the very young ones as long as the mother is not there. Do you have any special rules at Londolozi?

Wow what a great bit of luck you had finding that tiny perfect cub! What great news.

It was a lot of luck and a very special moment! 🙂

Great discovery Kelsey. Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing.

Thanks William!

I would be willing to sit there for hours and hours to have the opportunity to see a tiny cub like this!! One of Life’s most beautiful adorable precious little creatures!

I agree Lisa, the patience is so worth moments like these.

Hope she is able to rear this cub successfully! What a great shot Kelsey! Is the Senegal Bush Male believed to be the father and is it possible that she had more than one in the river and only managed to move this one prior to its flooding?

Thanks Michael, we hope so too! Yes, we assume that the Senegal Bush Male is the father but it’s very hard to know if there was another cub in the litter at any point without seeing it or any tracks – we are just so happy this cub made it out in time!


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