About the Author

Amanda Ritchie

Marketing Manager

Amanda is the Londolozi Marketing Manager & has been in the marketing, advertising & creative industry for 15 years & the health and wellness industry for 9 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Journalism from The University of Cape Town ...

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on What it Really Means to Challenge Who Has Access to World-Class Education in Rural South Africa

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We have admired the accomplishments of the GWF since our first encounter in 2013. The growth has been remarkable and the achivements and dedication of the students and staff are inspirational.

Amanda, you’ve written such a powerful story today that should inspire anyone to make a contribution to the GWF. I was especially touched by the words of graduate Sindy, who truly represents the future of workers who have the skills to make a positive contribution to the South African workforce. I’m pleased to say I look forward to continuing to support the GWF in addition to the Ripple Fund as I understand how these NGO’s contribute to the well being of those looking to better their lives for themselves and their families.

Congratulations to Equaliser on his graduation! A very impressive achievement indeed!

Congratulations to Equaliser on this impressive accomplishment! Way to go my friend!

It is heartwarming to read of the accomplishments of the recent graduates and we congratulate them. As active supporters of the GWF, we continue to be impressed with the work of teachers, mentors, students and all supporters! Much love and luck in the New Year!

Well done to all who have received certificates. GWF is doing exceptional work and opening up opportunities for these people who need to be educated.

Master Tracker

So important, education and learning are the real wealth of nations.

Congratulations to all the graduates.

Well done the GWF

A beautiful speech and congratulations to all graduates!

Amanda, Thanks for the wonderful update and congratulations to all the new graduates! We hope to visit one of the campuses again when we are at Londolozi next August! And of course see you too!

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