Involved Leopards

Nsuku 2:3 Male

Nsuku 2:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Ntsumi 3:3 Female

Ntsumi 3:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Mashaba 3:3 Female

Mashaba 3:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
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Ntomi 3:3 Male

Ntomi 3:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
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Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

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About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on A Sneak Peek Through the Lens of Londolozi’s Guest: Cheryl Grace

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These photographs are awesome. I am not even trying to pick a favourite as they all are so beautiful.

Thank you for you interesting back story and whilst I don’t have the opportunity to visit every year, I make the most of each day when I am there. Like you, I try to plan ahead for what I’m looking for in a wildlife encounter: visualizing the end result while looking for the best composition available, be ready for exposure changes, and look for a story.
Your photos are fantastic and I appreciate your setting information. I assume you were using a 100-400mm lens for many of your images, so you achieved good closeups.

A Complication of exquisite photos captured! Thank you for sharing! Especially loved the Leopard cub looking up and the elephants interacting.

Fantastic photos. I love the light in these pictures and, of course, the “actors” all my favorites.

Simply charming and unique! Leopards are the most expressive African animals, you get never enough of their pictures, I was delighted by all. I realised for the first time how old the Mashaba female really looks, this saddened me a bit. I was hoping she may have a last litter. Simply magnificent. Also cheetah, zebras are so beautiful, elephants and the Avoca male is magnificent. A rare picture of a jackal and the only bird is imposing. Did you ever see servals or caracal? Or otters. I guess that they are not easy to be detected among so many large predators. Bravo

Great collection, Cheryl. And how wonderful to be able to make an annual trip to develop your craft.

Senior Digital Ranger

My favorite of your photos is the profile of the Northern Avoco Male. I like the way the dry grass mimics the hair of his mane.

Cheryl Grace’s photos are the reason a safari is the ultimate trip. To experience the sightings and capture them so beautifully is remarkable. Thanks Sean and Cheryl for sharing.

Ryan is an exceptional teacher & photographer. I have been fortunate to have ny skills enhanced over multiple visits with different rangers. My latest images are so much better than my earlier ones.

Sounds like we’ve followed the same trajectory beginning with JV and Nick Kleer thru Kyle Gordon and Prof .. great images!

Fantastic foto’s and they are all beautifully positioned. Variety of animals makes it so special. What lens did you use on your camera.

Stunning photos. Every one! So jealous and appreciative she shared!

Lovely photos! I couldn’t pick a favorite 🤩

Master Tracker

Superb photographs

Cheryl, Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous images! We were excited to hear that our friend Ryan “the lion” Hilton helped you plan your trip. He’s an amazing photographer! We especially liked your shot of the cub looking up at the tree and added it to our favorites! We can’t wait to get back to Londolozi!

This collection of photos is breathtaking – I was blown away at every one of them. It’s difficult to pick favourites they are all so incredible. However, I was truly struck by the poignancy of the two solo pictures of the leopard cub – those photos truly captured the vulnerability, and yet the hope that these little creatures embody.
I found the lighting in the photo of the Avoca Male surveying territory and the zebra in the shrubs absolutely out of this world. These photos truly inspired an emotional response, and I thank Cheryl so much for sharing the results of her passion and perseverence! Amazing!

Wonderful photos! And Londolozi is the perfect place to learn photography and refine and practice as often as possible!

Cheryl is not only a frequent guest, from her viewpoints, it looks like she would be happiest living right in and among the animals1 (Well, not in, exactly, because then she wouldn’t be living!😉

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