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Jemma Thorpe

Londolozi Creative Hub

Jemma grew up on a farm in the Midlands Meander in Kwa-Zulu Natal and studied at the University of Cape Town. With little bush experience but with many hours of au pairing, teaching English and forming a love for travel, Jemma found herself ...

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on Quotes That Will Make You Fall In Love With Africa

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Well, I’m already in love with Africa but thoroughly enjoyed all of the quotes and corresponding images. My first trip took place in 1986 and I planned and saved for a return to Africa, Christmas 1995. The rest is history as they say.

Yes, Africa is beautiful, a place where the earth and sky meet in total harmony, but it’s the heart of the people, the dusty animal trails through the bush and the sweet, herbaceous smell of the rain that becomes imprinted into one’s soul. After that, leaving the continent is merely a pause, until the African drums call your return. ❤️

How beautiful, Denise. Nothing more to say . . .

Well said Denise – a ‘once in a lifetime trip’ becomes your home-away-from-home. It’s so wonderful to hear what an impact with continent has had on your life.

Senior Digital Ranger

Brian Jackman is so right. How can you explain what you saw and how you felt. I always say it was so mystical, magical and awesome..

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” – Mark Twain

Jemma, We love this blog and your quotes and beautiful images (many of them in our “favorites”) took us into the deep connection we have for Africa and especially Londolozi! This quote says it all for us: “ “You cannot leave Africa, It is always with you, there inside your head.” Thank you for taking us there!

Thank you so much Michael and Terri, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. That is a great quote isn’t it – Africa truly becomes apart of you.

Oh Jenna – I loved all of those quotes – I’m going to put some up! I particularly love this snipet: “You cannot leave Africa….It is always with you”

The thing is though once Africa is in your soul you never want to leave. You want to soak in every lucky moment you have the chance to explore it. You long for that feeling time and again and it feeds your soul, your very being. You want to explain it to others and implore them to go and feel it, but words cannot express it. We must count ourselves lucky and be thankful that we know that feeling.

I’m so glad you enjoyed these quotes Kara, what a fantastic idea to put some of them up to remind you of this phenomenal place. I completely agree, the experience is extremely difficult to communicate in words – it must be felt.

It is always difficult to convey to others the magic that is Africa. If I could, they would better understand my frequent visits, and, perhaps, take the adventure themselves.

Superb, Jemma. When I say my visits to Africa are life changing, people ask me how? This provides words to help me respond.

I have visited Africa many times and fell in love with it. When I step out of the plain I smell the air and I sigh: “I’m back home”. That’s the feeling I get even though I was born, raised and lived my entire life in The Netherlands and I love my country. It’s been a while since I last visited Africa and there’s a real yearning to go back. I don’t know when I will be able to, but I really hope I can some day.

That is exactly the feeling Betty-Lou, how wonderful that you’ve been here to experience it. We hope you will be back one day to visit and to experience all the ‘coming home’ feelings again.

Jemma well described how beautiful Africa is with it’s dusty roads and paths of the wild animals. Seeing everything in a different light and having the utmost respect for nature and all it’s surroundings. There is no other place like a safari in the bush, smelling the clean fresh air seeing animals in their true environment. Absolutely a must for everyone it will change your whole outlook of life.

Just want to be there

Jemma, wonderful blog about peoples thoughts about Africa. I am sure being caught up in the moment in an African experience is like nothing else on earth. Truly the cradle of our creation and evolution.

Thank you so much William, I am so glad you enjoyed it.

Senior Digital Ranger

As a small child, I dreamt of going to Africa but never thought I would achieve that dream. In 2017 my dream came true. Some go just to tick off an item on a bucket list and never fully connect, appreciating Africa’s beauty and mystique. She has stolen my heart. These quotes describe those feelings beautifully, Thank you for sharing them.

What a wonderful story Moira, I’m so glad you managed to visit Africa and I am not surprised that you are completely in love with this continent.

I can completely agree with most of your quotes, especially Blixen’s and Hemingway’s though only regarding Africa south of the Sahara, from Tansania in the East, to Namibia in the West and to South Africa in The South, Botswana, Zambia in between.
Safaris there are just heaven.

These quotes brought tears to my eyes and memories flooding into my heart. I have no words left…

Been to 6 of 7 continents and Africa was the only one I literally cried when I left. I hope to be able to come back some day. EVERYONE needs to experience.

For many it is emotional to leave! We hope you’ll be back again soon to visit.

Simply marvellous! Thank you Jemma. Many of these quotes strike home for me and I loved reading them all.

This post strikes right to my very core of being…..I try explaining this to people, but unless they have been here they don’t really quite get it…..

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