Involved Leopards

Nweti 4:2 Male

Nweti 4:2 Male

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About the Author

Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on More Than Just the Big 5

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Lovely blog, thank you! It is very true, letting go and immersing yourself is best…………..

Thank you Irene – it sure is the best 🙂

What a great drive and what good luck you had seeing all the big five in one drive.

Thanks Christa – It was certainly and afternoon for the books.

There are always nifty things to see on a ride. For our upcoming trip I’d love to see an aardvark or aardwolf, hoopoe, secretary bird, southern ground hornbill, sausage tree, and – yes – chameleon. But I also continue to love my lions, leopards, elephants, zebra, impala, wart hogs, wildebeest, giraffe, . . . .

That is a great list Willa – I hope you get to see everything and more!

Kelsey that was great to see the big5 in one afternoon, but it is also stunning to see other animals as well, like you did see the chameleon which was wonderful. I loved the little elephant displaying his arrogance in such a cute way. The two buffalo bulls locking horns must of been a good sighting as well as seeing the leopard.

Thanks Valmai, it really was a wonderful afternoon out in the bush appreciating everything big and small!

Hi Kelsey,
I completely agree with the plan to depart on a drive with no checklist, but to wait to see what the bush will provide. Any sighting is a gift, and in your case, besides the Big Five, you also were able to see that amazing chameleon. Thanks for the wonderful photos as well as your comments.

Always a pleasure Denise – it will certainly be another wonderful afternoon to look back on.

Senior Digital Ranger

Kelsey – what a wonderful life you describe for both ranger and guest – amazing sunset too! Thanks for such an interesting blog.

My pleasure Jennifer, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

It is the most unexpected moments on a drive be it a chameleon or a buffalo fight, that you remember so clearly. I remember on our first visit to Londolozi we came across a baby zebra that was no more than 10 minutes. He could hardly stagger, and two vultures were waiting in a tree for the afterbirth. We sat for i don’t know how long until the male of the herd came to get them safely into the herd!!! I have never forgotten that moment and we have visited Londolozi at least times and are hoping to return soon! Victoria

What a fabulous afternoon for you and your guests! Couldn’t have been any better. Loved all the stunning photos too…particularly that cute little Eli 🙏🏻.

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