Involved Leopards

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

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Ntomi 3:3 Male

Ntomi 3:3 Male

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Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

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Mashaba 3:3 Female

Mashaba 3:3 Female

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About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on The Week in Pictures #543

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Sean, We are SO excited to hear that “our Mashaba” has another set of cubs! Fantastic news! The shots of the cubs are really fantastic and we hope they will make it. We think the beautiful image of Mashaba has her looking to the sky in order to say thank you for such a wonderful life at Londolozi!

Thank you so much, Michael and Terri. It is fantastic news indeed that she has another litter of cubs. We are all holding thumbs that they survive.

All pictures are superb along with the subjects – I’m over the moon to see the Mashaba female finally and with two adorable cubs! One is a fighter it seems! Just adorable. The Ximungwe young male is already a king! All leopards are at their top. I’m very happy to see a pangolin again! Elephants, the francolin, the drongo, the secretary bird and the skink are all beautiful and of course as my sister says, a lion is a lion! I’m glad that the cheetah mum with the cub won!

Thank you so much, Francesca. It was a great week and we are delighted that the Mashaba Female has cubs.

Thanks. We often see termite mounds but never the termites.

This is very true, only if you have a look down one of the chimneys will you maybe see a few termites.

Congratulations to Kelsey! Truly a great photograph!
Winner for me this week is the pangolin. 🤩

Kelsey’s image is a fantastic one.

Thanks Sean for TWIP’s it is spectacular. Congratulations to Kelsey for the winning photograph!

Thank you so much, William.

Thanks for all the great, lovely, amazing pictures of so many animals!

Thank you so much, Christa.

I can’t view Kelsey’s winning shot, not sure why but well done Kelsey anyway!
I love Kyle’s photo of the Senegal Bush male – he always looks like he’s wearing black eyeliner (SB not Kyle!) But my favourite has to be one of the young leopard cubs, though I can’t choose between Kirst’s shot of a Nhlanguleni cub and yours of Mashaba’s. She’s lost so many litters I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed for these 2.

Thank you, Suzanne. That is interesting that Kelsey’s image is not showing up on your side.
The “Senegal Bush Male” does look like he is wearing eyeliner.

Kelsey’s photo has come up now on my screen – terrific image.
But I’m still not getting emails for when you reply.

Hi Suzanne, the web development team is working on the email notification when I respond. Hopefully, it will be up and running soon.

Congrats to Kelsey for a stunning foto of mother cheetah and her cub. Sean my favourite foto this week is the leopard cub looking over the boulder. It’s so gorgeous and precious. Very glad to hear Mashaba has two cubs as well, she is my favorite leopardess.

Thank you so much, Valmai. Kirst’s picture of the cub peeping over the top of the boulder is amazing.

The eyes of the cub on the boulder is priceless! Great shot, Sean

Thank you so much, Linda.

Well done Kelsey for winning the April image of your gorgeous Cheetahs ! Gosh the entertaining young Ximungwe male has certainly grown into a handsome young man ! Fabulous that you have again enjoyed seeing some Pangolin but of course the winner for me has to be the series of photos of the Mashaba cub..particularly the one of it growling at the landi . Fabulous photos as always thank you Sean and team !🙏🏻💕

Thank you so much, Cally. The Ximungwe Young Male is a stunning young leopard. I am so glad that you enjoyed this week, it was a great collection of images.

Wonderful news about Mashaba! Do you recall her losing her kill in a tree which eventually nearly dropped down onto our vehicle?
Always love seeing the Senegal Bush male.

It is such great news that she has some more cubs, let’s hope that she is able to raise these cubs successfully.
I do recall that sighting. It was a great one as she tried to work out how to best recover her kill.

Another pair of leopard cubs and this time belonging to Mashaba female – now I really am sad that I wasn’t able to visit this year! Seriously Sean, your sightings over the past month are seriously envy worthy. Without a doubt my vote goes to you for that priceless capture of Mashaba’s cub, mouth open in a “baby” snarl. All the other contributors this week shared terrific photos that represented their time spent in the bush, notably Kirst’s Nhlanguleni cub, Kyle’s Senegal Bush male and your pangolin image. Thanks for a terrific week of photography!

Thank you so much, Denise. The sightings over the last little while have been incredible. We have been so lucky with what we have seen.

:Lots of great pics Sean and interesting blog. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much, Leonie.

You all have outdone yourselves with the Mashable cub photos. So great to see. During my last visit (Aug 2019), Grant, Jerry and I spent a whole week in that very area looking for Tatowa Female and cubs.

Thank you, Al. It was such a great find. I couldn’t believe my eyes when we drove around the corner and there she was.

Again, it is hard to pick a winner, but Sean, your photo of the tiny leopard cub snarling at you is my favorite. Such good fortune to have new leopard cubs! Great news! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much, Darlene. It is indeed such a great fortune to have new cubs on Londolozi.

Senior Digital Ranger

Congrats to Kelsey Clark for her winning cheetah photo in April.

TWIP #543 is a real challenge to choose a favourite. What an amazing set of pics!!!!! Thank you to everyone who took them.
Such amazing news that the Mashaba female has new little ones .

How jealous we are of the wonderful pangolin sightings you’ve all been having .

I simply cannot choose a favourite .
Have a super week.

Thank you so much, Jane. We are so excited to have a few new leopard cubs around.

Master Tracker

Super photos

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC selection of photos Londolozi team. I was wondering if you could confirm that these cubs are the Mashaba Female’s 10th litter? I have these recorded for her so far and also was wondering if you could name potential fathers for her and the Nhlanguleni Female’s new cubs?

First Litter:
Born: August 2012, possibly fathered by Tyson/Marthly Male
Cubs born: 2, 1 female, the Nkoveni Female survived
Cubs died: 1

Second Litter:
Born: Approx. March-April 2014
Cubs born: 3
Cubs died: 3, killed by nomadic young male

Third Litter:
Born: May 2015, possibly fathered by the Robson’s 4:4 Male
Cubs born: 2, 1 male, 1 female (later named the Ximungwe Female)
Cubs died: Male cub disappeared at four-months old

Fourth Litter:
Born: October 2016, believed to have been fathered by the Robson’s 4:4 Male or the Piva Male
Cubs born: 2
Cubs died: 2, killed by the Flat Rock Male

Fifth Litter:
Born: Mid-July 2017, possibly fathered by the Piva Male, Inyathini Male, or Flat Rock Male
Cubs born: 3
Cubs died: 3, believed to have been killed by lions late 2017

Sixth Litter:
Born: Early-mid 2018, father possibly the Flat Rock Male
Cubs born: 3
Cubs died: 3, killed by the Tortoise Pan Male

Seventh Litter:
Born: December 25, 2018, possibly sired by the Flat Rock Male
Cubs born: 3
Cubs died: 3

Eighth Litter:
Born: Approx. late August-early September 2019, possibly fathered by the Inyathini, Flat Rock, Tortoise Pan, and Kunyuma/Senegal Bush Males
Cubs born: Unknown
Cubs died: Cubs not seen, possibly killed by the Mawelawela Male

Ninth Litter:
Born: Late June-early July 2020, possibly sired by Kunyuma/Senegal Bush Male
Cubs born: 1 known
Cubs died: 1, last seen being carried (alive) by Kunyuma/Senegal Bush Male from the den site

Cubs Raised to Independence: 2, the Nkoveni Female and Ximungwe Female

Hi Michael, Thank you so much. As far as I am aware this should be her tenth litter. She could have had cubs during 2021 that we just never knew about.
Potential fathers of Mashaba Female’s cubs would be the Senegal Bush Male, Maxim’s Male, Mawelawela Male, or Nweti Male.

Nhlanguleni Female’s cubs would be the Senegal Bush Male or Flat Rock Male, maybe Hosana but not sure.

Digital Tracker

Awesome pics this week! My favourites would have to be the birds!
Kelsey’s pic certainly deserved the pic of the month – it’s exquisite!

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