The term “The Big Five” forms the foundation of thousands upon thousands of safari bookings each year, but the Big Five is a concept that many first time visitors to Africa are unaware of. Or if they have heard of it, they are unaware of its origins.

The Majingilane Coalition in their prime on Londolozi. These four males took over from the famous Mapogo’s.
The Big Five is a term that originated from hunters during the 19th Century, where five particular species of animals were recognised and regarded as the most dangerous and difficult animals to hunt, on foot! This name has now stuck and is used by people many years later. The Big Five attracts travellers from all over the world, in my opinion, for a few different reasons: the scarcity of actually finding and viewing these animals at close proximity, the outright beauty and uniqueness of each of animal and lastly and most importantly the accomplishment of capturing the “shot” of these animals up close from your camera lens rather than your rifle.
What animals make up the Big 5?
The most elusive of the five! Leopards are probably the one animal that is most often missing from people’s Big 5 checklist. Masters of camouflage, leopards inhabit almost every habitat in Africa where there is space for them; from forest to desert and up to mountain tops, these adaptable animals can change their habits to suit any environment. Preying on baboons in the mountains near Cape Town, impalas at Londolozi, and well over 50 other recorded prey species across their range. Leopards are effective hunters and as mystical as they are beautiful. These latter two qualities synergise with each other, in fact. They are incredibly dangerous in their own right. But at Londolozi we are fortunate to have a population that, through many years of a dedicated and sensitive approach to viewing them, have grown to accept the presence of the Land Rovers that seek them out during daily game drives. This allows us to see deeply into their secretive daily lives and get a great understanding of these mystical cats.
The largest of the five, Elephants. What would Africa be without these local giants? The calm, peaceful, often dozy, yet extremely intelligent nature of elephants is the reason why they are my favourite. Always up to something, whether it is a couple of youngsters playing, adults feeding, herd members mud bathing, or just one of them ambling past your vehicle in search of food. Whether you work in the bush, have been travelling to Africa for 40 years or are on your first safari, sitting quietly with Elephants creates an indelible moment.
The species that needs every single one of our help. Every time I get the chance to be in the presence of a rhino, I wonder what our planet would be without these prehistoric-looking beasts. To sit just metres away from an animal easily outweighing the vehicle we find our safety on, listening to its deep breaths as it mows the green grass that lays beneath it. Every single cent that each one of us spends on any form of travel across Africa is contributing to the protection of these animals. Similar to that of the elephants, sitting safely beside a rhino can always be entertaining. Mud bathing, feeding and nursing their young are things we are all blessed to witness.
Out of the five the Buffalo, I believe, are the ones most overlooked. On foot, the most dangerous of all due to their very unpredictable behaviour and movements. Here at Londolozi we quite regularly get the opportunity to view an extremely large herd of buffalo. Sometimes ranging up towards 800+ individuals. Smaller clans consist of dominant bulls, whose harem of females form a conglomerate by linking up with other groups thus forming larger herds. The very unique herd structure, along with synchronised birthing of the calves in the summer, make viewing the herd fascinating. Parking the vehicle at a waterhole and watching a herd of buffalo approach in its hundreds leaves you short of words unable to describe the magnificent scene.
There’s something indescribably special about Lions. Yes, they do spend the majority of the daylight hours asleep in the shade, but if they are up and moving, there is no better place to be than in a Land Rover with an enormous male lion walking past within a metre of the vehicle. Lionesses hunting or male lions roaring for me is as iconic as Africa will ever be. The bravery a male lion shows in protecting his territory against other rivals, ensuring his offspring are safe, is an attribute that very few wild animals contain within them. Which is beautifully contrasted by the power and coordinated teamwork that exists within a pride of lionesses when hunting to survive. The sheer strength and ability to take down an adult giraffe or buffalo as well as the accuracy and precision to snatch an impala lamb is quite staggering.
From the words of alumni Londolozi guide, James Tyrrell: “Africa is much, much more than the Big 5. Its about the call of the fish eagle at dawn, dung beetles rolling their balls into the bushes, a bead of perspiration on your brow as the heat waves shimmer on an open plain, or a journey of giraffes moving in a stately line across a hillcrest at sunset. The intangibles of Africa, the feeling it gives you, the connection that, at least in my opinion, is difficult to find anywhere else, and that overriding sense of witnessing something much greater than you… these are all part of the allure of this diverse and still mysterious continent”.
Yet time and time again, it is the five animals named above that draw people from all over the world to first step foot on these shores. And if through these five, peoples eyes are opened to the wondrous depths that this continent has to offer, that’s something rather special.
Is the tsalala female still ok, I hope she is
Dan, thanks for sharing the story of the big 5 and the origin of the name. The 5 animals named are truly the ambassadors of Africa.
Thank you for a wonderful write up! First, I will never be able to come to Africa, but it’s one of my desires. Yes, I like the big 5 but I would want to see that dung beetle and all the birds! I want to hear those birds, not through the computer but up close and personal. You brought tears to my eyes, just feeling your words. Thank you!
I am fortunate enough to have been very close to each of the Big Five, but the closest I got was with elephants and rhinos. The elephants were just an amazing experience going into the bush with 30 of the orphaned elephants of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust to photograph them for the foster parents in The Netherlands. The encounter with the rhinos was not very relaxed. I was photographing them at a waterhole close to my cottage. The people at the lodge had told us we could take a walk because there were no predators on the property (later during a walk we did see tracks of a leopard and of a hyena though) I was sitting on the bank of the waterhole when suddenly the rhinos (three of them) approached me and I had nowhere to go. So I just tried to keep calm and not move. They came very close to me: one of the rhinos touched my leg with its horn and appeared to be nervous. They stayed that close to me for about 20 minutes, which seemed like hours. After that they went away. I stayed until they were out of sight. When I tried to get up, my knees collapsed. At the time I was quite scared, not knowing if I would survive, but when I look back at it through the photographs somebody on the other side of the waterhole took, the experience was frightning, but also amazing. I wouldn’t recommend copying the experience though.
I had never heard the phrase big five until the first time we visited Londolozi. We did see the.big five , but also a baby zebra just born and the young rhino who frolicked with his mother. Best of all we began to identify the wonderful birds there! There is so much we have yet to see and learn. We have visited 6 times and each visit we see old favorites and meet new ones! The African bush is full of wonderful discoveries! Victoria
Nice tribute to “the big five” along with some beautiful photographs!
A wonderful article on the Big 5 and how they create the background to more knowledge about the wild animals of Africa. There are so many beautiful and wonderful animals on the African continent, but to view the big 5 is still a most wondrous thing. Only on my third safari did I first see a leopard and only later a really wild rhino (I saw some on farms in Namibia first). The whole world should try to protect these wonderful animals
I never thought of buffalo as anything other than cows with horns until one day….
We met Mr Grumpy
Super article
Very true Dan! The Big Five, plus Giraffes are the most well known African elephants, forgetting about a snake or two. For me, it really is when you land in the bush and hear its sounds, that it really hits you. Which is why the Sunday video is so precious to me, the sounds of the bush…………
But, also the little 5, the sweet 5, the funny 5 etc. are worth looking at and talking about!! It would be great if you could talk about those as well…..
elephants should be animals, sorry…………..
I love the way you have put the Big Five into perspective Dan. Lovely post and photos.
Hi Dan, thanks for your story on the big five. All five animals are magnificent in their own right. Leopard’s are my favorite cat and actually I love all animals. Not forgetting the fish eagle’s call that just is incredible to hear. I agree with James Tyrrell that Africa is more than the big five. How we miss you James Tyrrell.
I have been following you for a long time and certainly enjoy the daily blogs and photos. I’m a big fan of the Tsalala female. How is she doing and is she still alone?
Hi Dan, I actually feel the utmost respect for buffalo. I can’t believe they are not seldom described as stupid animals! The way they “mock” hunters and manage to attack and kill them, as well as their own enemies , show a calculated intelligence that impresses me more than iconic African animals. As an example there is the Joubert’s documentary “The Last Lions”. Incredible animals indeed. I love all big five though, leopards deserve to be Londolozi ‘s symbol and the Tsalala is a last lion in herself. Great memories of the Majingilane, if I don’t get wrong they were five in the beginning, one killed by Mapogo. Yes, elephants and rhinos are very relaxing and rhino calves are so funny!
Well done Dan … your last two paragraphs say it all. The Big Five are simply the “tip of the iceberg “!
Good job, Dan. Incredibly, we were fortunate to witness the Big 5 on our very first day on safari–our poor guide–what other experiences could he produce? Fortunately, that early experience opened our eyes to other opportunities to witness, helping us understand the wonder of nature and making us recognize the insignificance of our own existence.
Well I believe that James Tyrrell has expressed my thoughts perfectly. Whilst seeing the Big Five is really exciting during a trip to the African bush/plains, it is “being in the moment “ that gives one the true safari experience.
Excellent Piece…
Dan what a super blog and most certainly a reminder to us all as to how far we have come from hunting with a gun to now hunting with a camera. There is certainly no place like Africa and yes the Big 5 are always on everyone’s list to see but I have to say from my point of view, it encompasses far more. The light, the smell and every wild creature, big or small that enjoy this unique space on our earth. That is my Africa and one I miss dreadfully. Till I am truely there I will continue to enjoy the Londolozi virtual drives and blogs

Great but if history regarding the big 5, and so grateful for the blogs and virtual safaris that bring them close each week!