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Robyn Morrison

Londolozi Alumna

Robyn grew up in Johannesburg and every family holiday was spent exploring the Lowveld or camping around Southern Africa. Her love of nature and conservation propelled her to complete her Masters degree at the University of Edinburgh’s school of Geoscience. Although this gave ...

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on How Does a Bird’s Vision Compare to a Human’s?

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Robyn, This story “opened our eyes” and we are amazed at some of the information you shared! We had never heard or thought about birds ability to see ultraviolet light. Thanks for a really interesting education!

Hi Michael and Terri, it’s amazing how other animals see the world in such different ways to us.

Senior Digital Ranger

You’ve a well-inked pen, Robyn. Nice job.

Thank you, Dave!

That was fascinating ! Thank you

Thanks Robyn for the lesson on birds and there vision. Very interesting as to how it affects their behaviors.

Hi William, it’s amazing that there were even more ways that ultraviolet light affected their behaviours – but adding those in would’ve made this one blog way too long!

Striking pictures and very well written, thank you for this reminder lesson of biology, animals and plants colour concerts make the world we live in poetically beautiful

Thank you, Francesca. We really are lucky for all the different elements which make the world to stunning.

Interesting and enjoyable post! Some great photos as well. Yes, it would be wonderful to see like a bird…and of course flying like one wouldn’t be bad either. 😜

Hi Marcia, it seems like birds are definitely winning in terms of their cool traits and abilities 😂

Hi Robyn, your explanations on the sight difference between humans and birds is incredible. You have lots of knowledge on this matter and it was interesting to learn the difference. Well written and explained. I love all birds and find their colour plumage incredibly interesting and stunning.

Thank you, Valmai. I agree with you that all birds’ plumages are absolutely beautiful!

Senior Digital Ranger

Great article! I had no knowledge of this. Thank you!

Fabulous!! Thank you.

A wonderful blog on bird vision with great photos and graphs to explain things.

Robyn, this is such an interesting and well-written post about vision and color. A couple of years ago I watched a fantastic series on public television hosted by David Attenborough that focused on this very subject, in all species. I am so sorry for those who are colorblind, missing out on the things like not seeing the red throat of a male hummingbird. Thank you for including the archive’s perfect photos to accompany your article as well as a chart. Looking forward to your next feature.

Thank you so much, Denise! I’ve also seen that series by David Attenborough and it would definitely be worth highlighting the ways in which all animals are able to see colour in a future blog.

Robyn ,this is a fabulous and very informative article- well done and also honored that you chose my my photo of the white bellied Sunbird to use in the article .

Thank you, Anthony! You took an incredible photo.

So cool – blown away by this info!!

Very interesting Robyn. Thank you.
Can I recommend to you the book Burd Sense by Tim Birdhead published in 2012.
ISBN No:978 I 4088 30543
If you can find it I am sure you will enjoy it
Best. Ian

Such an interesting and informative blog Robyn. I’ve often wondered how a mass of sea birds can dive from great heights to reappear with a fish in seconds or, how the bee eaters are able to feed on the wing and see so clearly their meal in mid air for example. Now I know. Marvelous thank you 🙏🏻❤️

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