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Robert Ball

Guest contributor

Robbie developed a passion for the African bush from many visits to his family’s small holding in a greater conservancy just outside Johannesburg. Living in the big city his whole life, he always found refuge in the outdoors and has grown to appreciate ...

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on 2022: What to Expect This Year

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Definitely very interesting this coming year. Just wondering………. Do the Birmingham males have another name?

Yes, Irene, they are also known as the Gowrie Males

The goings on of all these animals is fascinating. I always hope the cubs will survive, but know I am doing wishful thinking. Please keep up the news on the different groups. Thank you!

I’m glad you ejoyed the read Victoria, We will be sure to do so!

Robert, thank you for the updates on the lions and leopards. Nature will play out as we watch, life and death struggles as the fittest and craftiest seem to survive most often.

You’re welcome, William

Hi Robert, news are really exciting! The cubs that survived are such a good news. Have you got any on the Mashaba female? The little lion cub looks so adorable, if only she were older maybe new males would accept her. What a pity. Lions dynamics are always a thrill especially the Tsalala female’s future. I hope that one day she can have her own pride

The Mashaba female seems to have shifted her territory southwards after losing her most recent cub.

Hi Robert, we certainly did enjoy seeing the wild dogs pups and the leopard cubs from different mothers. This year we get to see the cubs grow up and even take up their own territory. The lion dynamics are definitely going to be a changer for all watching them so closely, the Ndhzenga Males are looking very strong. I also love the Nkuhuma pride and they are also looking good. So sad to see that there is only one lionesss left of the formidable Tsalala pride. Hope she makes it on her own. The smallest leopard cub now is the Three Rivers cub, so we can watch that little one grow. Love the Ximungwe male cub with his spec in his eye, handsome young leopard and I really hope he will make it on his own, once he leaves his mom.

What a brilliant round-up, thank you Robert. If Nkoveni’s cubs both reach independence it will be very interesting, not to say unusual – I think the only other time this has happened in recent years was Nhlanguleni’s 2 female cubs? Didn’t they (Finfoot and Nkuwa if I remember rightly) go their separate ways soon after?

That is correct, Suzanne.

Love that photo of the two leopards in the jackalberry tree!

It is really great that the leopards have been so successful in raising cubs so far. Let’s hope that they will in fact become adults and boost the numbers of leopards of Londolozi or Sabi Sands.
One really wonders what is going to happen with all those lion prides. I do hope that the lonely Tsalala will find a partner and raise some cubs successfully. Would be wonderful!

It sure would be wonderful, only time will tell!

Great report Robert! I’ll definitely be looking forward to the changes that will definitely occur this year, especially in the lion realm. Fingers crossed four more young leopards will graduate into adulthood, providing more viewing in the years to come.

One can only hope, we will have to wait and see!

Great catch up on all the leopard and lion dynamics Robert. Whatever nature holds for the Londolozi cats I pray that the young survive and that we can finally manage to head South and witness them all for real. In the meantime we will continue to enjoy your daily blog and the magnificent photos you all share with us. Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead. 🙏🏻💕

Im glad you enjoyed the read, Cally. We wish you a wonderful year ahead as well!

Hi Robert, I do not seem to ever hear about Finfoot these days…..has anyone seen her recently? Where is her territory? I hope that she is OK….I know that her sister Nkuwa is doing fine, and is much more visible. Thanks!

Hi Lisa, as far as we know the Finfoot female has established her territory south of Londolozi’s border, but she has been seen and seems as though she is doing well!

Thanks for the excellent review of some of the star animals at Londolozi, as well as the interesting prospects for each in the upcoming year Robert. Waiting in anticipation to see how everything plays out!!

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