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Sean Zeederberg

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As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Virtual Safari: Ultimate Game Drive Highlights #86

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Senior Digital Ranger

What a surprise with the wild dogs showing up for us! I love watching them! That hippo really needs to see a dentist! What an impressive display he put on. He probably left you shaking in your shoes!

It was such a great and welcomed surprise having the wild dogs turn up in the buffalo sighting. The hippo was also great to watch.

Hi Sean, the hippo put on a beautiful display and I had to smile at the way he was showing off his huge teeth and also rolling over in the water. It was wonderful to see so many buffalo at one sighting, grazing and chasing the wild dogs away. I also saw a hyena in the background of the video. Interesting to hear about the fig tree getting pollinated with the fig wasps, never new that at all. Lovely bull elephant eating the ripe figs.

I am glad there was some information in there to teach everyone a thing or two.

Sean, Thanks for such an entertaining video – it’s our Sunday morning ritual!

You are most welcome.

Thanks Sean – hopefully I can finally share these scenes in 2 weeks time….

Let’s hope so. I am sure you will have some amazing sightings when you are here.

A wonderful game drive today Sean! The lonely hippo was a sight. It is always fabulous to see wild dogs! Thank you again. January 2023 is our goal to come for another! It all depends o the COVID worldwide!! Keep your fingers for us!! Thanks again Victoria

Thank you, Victoria. We certainly will keep our fingers crossed that you are able to make another trip back to visit us soon.

When a child hippos were among my favourite animals and I am still fond of them. Elephants and buffaloes this could be a Video of giants. Buffaloes are having a hard time but I still don’t understand why do wild dogs waste so much time with them where there are easier preys and lions are after buffaloes too so it’s a no-match task…

I am also very fond of hippos.

I think the wild dogs were not seriously looking to hunt the buffalo, it was rather just them playing around and burning up some energy.

A nice drive Sean. The hippo sure put on a show for you (well for all of us). Noticed that he had lost a tooth on the bottom right. I still would not wish to fight with him. Nice sitting with the ellie under the fig tree and thanks for the explanation about the pollination process. Nice to see lots of buffalo and, of course, the wild dogs. Thanks for sharing with us – I really enjoyed it.

You are welcome, I am glad there was so much to share and explain. It was such a great few sightings.

It was a phenomenal morning Sean. I loved watching the footage of the hippo bull, asserting his dominance to anyone who cared to watch! I’ve watched two sparring for pond control, but never one like this who continued to postulate without another hippo in sight.

Thanks for the information about the fig tree and how its fruit developes, as well as who takes advantage of these figs. Are they edible for humans?
Buffalo and wild dogs-interesting to watch them eyeing each other. Is this the pack of 11?

Thank you, Denise. Yes, it was so great to watch the hippo for a while.
The figs are edible but not the greatest tasting.

It was a pack of 12, the ones we normally see in the north, where the female is missing her upper lip on the right side.

Really enjoyed this weeks catch up on the videos Sean., particularly the time spent near the fig tree and your very interesting facts about the flowers and its visitors. Not sure if the hippo lost that tooth some time ago but perhaps that was in a recent confrontation that sent him off on his own. And..what a great end with the wild dogs enjoying harassing that huge herd of buffalo. Super ❤️

Thank you, Cally. I am not too sure either. It could have been a recent skirmish, as he has only been in that waterhole for a short while.

So much to enjoy in last weeks video! I liked that in the hippo segment you got to see things like his nostrils opening and closing, all those teeth (and tongue), and those piggy like feet as it rolled. Beautiful fig tree with all the accompanying activity. The first time I heard about the pollination of a fig, I was eating one…I stopped 😂.

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