Involved Leopards

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Ndzanzeni 4:3 Female

Ndzanzeni 4:3 Female

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About the Author

Kyle Gordon


Kyle was born and raised in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. His childhood was spent scurrying barefooted along the banks of various rivers and dams, fishing rod ever-in-hand, enjoying the beauty and freedom of outdoors. Kyle obtained a degree in construction from UCT ...

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on Trust in the Process- Persistence In Tracking A Leopard

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Senior Digital Ranger

Oh my word Kyle, what amazing photographs , thank you – each one more special than the last. The expressions on the little dogs and cats faces ! Wow. We will never ever forget our amazing last trip with you and Prof when we were blessed enough to see the little wild dog pups when they were still tiny. Looking forward to seeing you guys again in December.

Hi Jane! Can’t wait to see you guys in December and we do it all again. Will have a tullisker waiting for you both 😉

Hi Kyle. We thoroughly enjoyed your trip with your guests! Wonderful sightings and pics for people like us to see too! Well done! Wendy and Neil

Kyle, what a lucky couple to have you and the “Prof” take on the challenge and succeed! The photos are really special and it’s great to hear that Ndzandzeni‘s cubs are doing so well. Hoping to keep that lineage going!

Master Tracker

superb photographs and (obviously) considerate and accurate vehicle placement

It is true all points… none the less leopards are the most expressive animals and do deserve to be called top models. Their pictures are incomparable

Well said Kyle and fantastic shots … you & Prof were the crucial key to those successes! It’s NEVER a guarantee that one would have these kind of sightings but you & Prof are the difference makers! The two of you got into the head of those animals and anticipated their direction and next moves. It is such a treat to work with two such professional guides and we look forward to our next Londolozi visit! And the most exciting ride of all was chasing the wild dogs on their afternoon hunt! Sorry to see A leave but looking forward to spending more time with Prof, you and H, but the rule remains … if we don’t see as much as one Impala the trip will be a bust!!!

Thanks Bob and Lucie!! You two legends made it all that much easier and were happy to just enjoy the bush. And that is often what makes the difference. Can’t wait to see you guys again in July next year, I’m sure were going to have the best time again. (Minus a short trip to Nelspruit this time though!!) I’ll keep an eye on the impala movements in the meantime.

Kyle, it’s terrific that Lucie and Bob’s patience coupled with the Prof’s and your persistence (with a bit of help from the anti-poaching unit at one point) led to amazing sightings! Pups and cubs, a guest’s dream and you captured it all in beautiful photos. Thanks for taking me along.

Thanks, Denise, it was such a fun week and a half.

Terrific sightings and great photos, Kyle. If I can get back to Founders in November, I would be so grateful to see any leopard during my 6 night stay, but Ndzanzeni and her cubs would be the icing on the cake. Stay safe, little ones!

The Ndzandzeni female and her cubs are 3 of Prof and my favourite leopards to track and find. They’ve been quite elusive of late. But that just means it’s more special when we do see them!

Sometimes you get lucky immediately with fantastic sightings……sometimes you have to put in serious time to find the cats! We spent 3 days searching for Hosana on Othawa……3 days of tracking, thinking like a leopard, discussing leopard biology and psychology, searching, pondering, and tracking some more….finally success!!! You have to put in the time!

Exactly Lisa! And honestly, the reward is that much greater, the sighting that much more special, after a few drives of putting in the hours.

Spectacular viewing with great photographs , thanks Kyle .

Kyle these foto’s are stunning and your patience paid off. All the leopards are such beautiful cats and I can never get enough of them. The little furballs are so special and would love to see them interacting with mom in real life. You, Prof and guests had a good time with stunning foto’s to prove it.

We really were so lucky Valmai!! Loved it.

What for a great story- and fantastic pics of the cubs. Wonderful. That is the very special at Londolozi- to have a really great chance to see that beaus.

The photos of all these cubs and pups are just gorgeous! Lucky guests who were able to see such sights.

Fabulous photos to match a fabulous 10 days for Bob and Lucy ! Couldn’t get any better I’m sure ❤️

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