Involved Leopards

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

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Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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Nkoveni 2:2 Female

Nkoveni 2:2 Female

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About the Author

Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on The Week in Pictures #510

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Wow Sean, What a fantastic set of images! We’re not sure which one we like best! It was great to see wild dogs again – is there a way to know if they are part of the pack that had the cubs at Londolozi? Nice to see the White Dam Male – not sure if that is his first intro on the blog – haven’t heard about him that we can remember. The close up of the Giraffe is very cool and it was great to see the smiling faces of Andrea and Sersant!

Thanks, Michael and Terri. I think this is a different pack to the ones that were denning on Londolozi. This was a pack of twelve, the ones we had denning were only six adults.
I think the White Dam Male has featured before but a while ago. He is a fairly seldom seen leopard that we are seeing down in the southwestern grasslands. We will try do a formal introduction on him soon.
It is hard to find a photo where Andrea and Sersant are not smiling.

Thanks Sean!!! Please say hi to Andrea – Terri and I have always had a great connection with him over the years!

I will definitely pass on your regards to Andrea.

TWIP is simply spectacular this week. The pictures are stunning, especially liked the Avoca male on top of the boulders. The last three pictures of the hyenas and birds feeding on the giraffe give reality to life at Londolozi . Thanks to all who shared their pictures!

Thank you, William. The Avoca Male on the boulders was a spectacular sighting.

Water magic, this may be a leading theme… of iconic animals. Do you know why the giraffe died? I’ve always thought of hyena as quite unique. It seems that lions shared their territory with terrible animals such as smilodontes.. and hyena are their ancient rivals. Both lions and hyena managed to survive. Lions and other cats suffocate their prey quickly in order not to attract other predators, this happened in prehistoric times with much larger and terrifying predators already. A winning technique it seems… love all the pictures

Yes for sure ‘water magic’ definitely is fitting for this week. Thank you for your comment.

All your (the Londolozi’s team’s) pictures are always fantastic! The same is true about this week’s photos.
I love especially the one of the giraffe drinking. And the resting hyena looks even quite cute though in general they are certainly not beauty queens of the bush.
I wonder what is going on in the Senegal Male’s mind while looking at Andrea and Sersant?
A great week in pictures.

Thank you, Christa, we love sharing all the images and allowing everyone a view into our world every week. I agree hyenas can look cute at times.

I love that each of these images so clearly portrays the personalities of the subjects (or at least they appear to from my perspective). Wonderful selection!

I agree, the images do seem to portray a personality for each individual. I guess it would be hard to quantify that or prove it to be true but we can believe it for now anyway.

Great selection of photos Londolozi team!
Have you all seen the Mashaba Female at all recently? I know she has become more difficult to locate as she’s gotten older, but am curious if you’ve seen any sign of her?
How many sub-adults were with the Nkuhuma Pride in that particular sighting and how many young lionesses (of the sub-adults) were present?

Thanks again for another great week of photos!

Hi Michael, thank you. Yes, the Mashaba Female has been seen a few times over the last few weeks. We think she may be denning some cubs but have not been able to find the den. This
probably explains her scarcity, along with where she is currently territorial, there are numerous thick blocks and drainage lines making it difficult to track her.

In that particular sighting, Robbie said that there were only two sub-adult males and one sub-adult female.

Senior Digital Ranger

Very nice bee-eater photo!

Thank you, Paul.

Greetings Sean,

Some really beautiful images this week from the Lion reflected in the water while drinking to the somewhat “stone-face” look given by the Senegal Bush male! What an expression. The sun-adult portrait of the Nkuhuma lion is amazing and simply put, nothing quite like capturing the end of the giraffe’s drink with that “S” swirl of water.
Looking forward to Sunday for my arm-chair game drive.

Hi Denise, thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed them this week. We look forward to sharing the Week in Video with you tomorrow.

Quiet a different aray of animals this week. Wonderful to see the White Dame Male leopard, I don’t think I have seen him before. Senegal bush male looks grumpy on the foto. Loved the foto of the Nkoveni female cub resting in the tree. Lions and elephants also stunning fotos.

It is a nice diverse week in this TWIP. Senegal bush Male looks pretty grumpy most of the time.

Another week of great pics. That white dame male photo is really beautiful!

Thank you, Marcia.

Fabulous photos ! Think the giraffe wins for me this week..just super and fascinating to learn a bit more about these extraordinary creatures. The mass meeting of vultures and hyena must have been a chaotic scene to witness 😌 thanks to all🙏❤️

Thanks, Cally. it is such a great image.

Kunyuma (Senegal Bush Male) has such personality and character……Mr. Snarly Face! He just doesn’t like us people at ALL!

Amazing series of photos!!

I like the photo of the bee eater. But my favourite one is of the hyena sleeping pointing toward your camera.

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