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Sean Zeederberg

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As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Virtual Safari: Ultimate Game Drive Highlights #77

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Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks for the video! Enjoyed the part about giraffes and hyenas. Very educational! Also appreciated the part about the leopards playing.

Thanks, Paul.

Hi Sean, the two leopard cubs are the best view one can see! Giraffes are one of the animals i would love to see as well,, lions dynamics are real thrill!wait for more

Hi Francesca, leopard cubs are definitely so exciting to see.

Leopard cubs, giraffes, finished by the Avoca male lions. Great couple of days viewing.

Hi William, it has been a few days of some great viewing indeed.

What a fantastic Virtual Safari , Sean! And the footage of the Ndzanzeni cubs is just priceless. Who do you think is the likely father?

Thank you, Suzanne, the father is most likely the Nweti Male based on him being the dominant male over the majority of the Ndzandzeni Female’s territory.

Sean the two leopard cubs are gorgeous and growing up so quickly. Do you know if they are perhaps one female and one male cub. That would be ideal so that the female can carry on the linage from the original mother leopard. Avoca males are stunning and are now in the Birmingham male lions territory, so soon there will be a fight. So glad that the one Avoca male mated with one of the Ntsevu female. Some new cubs on the way, hopefully.

Valmai, there is one male and one female cub. so we will be able to trace the mother leopard lineage through the female cub which hopefully will hang around here.

So wonderful , the playing cubs, love that. And the sound of Africa , roaring lion. Exciting, how this story will be go on.

The true sound of Africa, a male lion roaring.

Sean, thank you for the amazing Sunday morning video of Ndzandzeni’s cubs at play. I’m thrilled she has a boy and girl and hope she can raise them to adulthood, as the odds aren’t great for both to survive. I know time spent viewing cubs whilst mum is away is limited but I could sit there all day! So the Avocas are testing the “water” – time will tell. I thought they were the protectors of the Nkuhuma pride, or perhaps I have them confused with other males. Seems a lot of mating is going on -I guess looking for protection.

We could have also sat there with the Ndzandzeni Female’s cubs for the entire afternoon. They were always doing something, and are so cute and playful.

The Avoca Males are definitely testing the waters. They are normally found in the north, where they cover the Nkuhuma Pride, but you will find that the Ntsevu Females are also probably seeking out other males as added security for the cubs, trying to convince the Avoca Males that the cubs are theirs. And in doing so she could have lead him all that way down.

Nicedrive Sean. Love the cubbies – too cute. Thanks for taking usalong.

Cubs are always cute. I am happy I get to share these amazing sightings with everyone now.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks for the update. Always enjoyable. Latest on ,Wild dog pups?

Thank you, Jos. The wild dogs have sadly moved off the reserve, we will give an update on them this week.

Lovely video again! I was just wondering…… the cubs have stripes just below the spots you use for identification. I seem to remember most leopards have spots there as well, or am I wrong? Or do these stripes belong to the Mother Leopard lineage? And which leopards are in that lineage??
Nice to see our ‘ooievaars’ over there…….. we miss them!

Thank you, Irene. We use the spot pattern just above the whisker line to help us identify the individuals. Yes, the cubs do have these spots already. We will start to use these to help us as the cubs grow older and begin to spend a lot more time alone and begin their journey into independence.

Thanks Sean. I actually was interested in the lines below the spots. Normally, those are not stripes as with these cubs, but spots as well. Have you seen this before?

They pretty much are lines, all the spots have merged together and are quite distinctive. I personally haven’t seen it as distinct as this but I am sure there would be other leopards out there with similar features.

A great virtual safari again! Thanks! The leopard cubs are so cute.

Thank you, Christa.

Loved the cubs and backlit lions great filming!

Thank you so much, Lisa.

Love that the Mother Leopard’s lineage is hopefully going to be expanding on Londolozi! Sean, not sure if you are aware, but the Tortoise Pan Male is believed to be the father of two cubs born to Tiyani Female in the Northern Sabi Sands (but of course can’t be confirmed without DNA). Both of those cubs are female and albeit a few months old, hopefully they will survive and one day it can be confirmed they are indeed his. Thanks again for this update on the Ndzanzeni Female’s latest litter!

Hi Michael, it is so great that there is a potential to continue the Mother Leopard Lineage through these cubs. We hope she is able to raise them successfully.

Thank you so much for that update on the Tortoise Pan Male. I am sure in time we will be able to determine if he is in fact the father of those cubs. We will just have to wait and see for now though.
Thanks so much again, Michael.

The avocas are playing with fire, if the BBoys catch one of them alone, death will be inevitable. That’s how it happened with the beautiful OM, the BBoys let him roar, he felt confident, when he went too far into the territory, it was fatal.
I hope the BBoys continue to reign with kambula pride, they have cute new pups, and the avocas keep their nkuhuma pride.

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