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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on The Week in Pictures #483

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Great photos. The Othawa male certainly is a very impressive lion, real majesty.
And the young elephants are just so cute.

Master Tracker

The portrait of The Othawa Male photo is magnificent . It would go on my wall on day

Cracking photo James

James, I loved especially Lion🤗

Hi James. Thanks for the lovely pics above and your article with them. James, something different. My sister-in-law was visiting a neighbour recently and they discovered a very beautiful white moth which no-one can identify. I have twice send through this pic to Londolozi for help, but am probably sending it to the wrong email address. Can you help me please? If Londolozi don’t do this sort of thing, I understand, but then please don’t leave us stranded. Pse give us an email address we ARE allowed to write to for information of this sort. OK? It would be so appreciated. Sincerely Wendy M

Do we know the lineage of the Othawa male who is truly magnificent?

Great week of photos! The young elephants were the highlight for me, but the continual diversity is selecting image is always as informative as it is delightful! Thanks James!!

Love the baby elephant photos! We so enjoy TWIP and your virtual safaris! May the world reopen ASAP!

Absolutely wonderful pictures! Elephant calves take the accolade they are irresistibile! But also young animals of other species. I loved the impala lamb with its mum. The Otawa male is spectacular and the Mawelawela male looks elusive snd mysterious. Really love them all.

What an impressive week of photos- especially the elephants. So looking forward to arriving there soon!

Really interesting shot of the dust bathing bee eaters. Thank you.

James, It’s been a busy week for me so the pleasure of seeing your photos of the week have been extra special indeed! The Othawa male is just magnificent …. as are those gorgeous baby Eli’s. Gosh, as we go back into lockdown I hope that come the autumn, we will be able to visit for a breath of fresh air and the sounds of nature instead of ambulances

Both the lion prides are impressive. I Loved the elephant calves, they are so sweet and not knowing what to do with their trunks makes them so cute. Quit interesting to see the bee-eters having a dust bathe, never seen that before. Such a magnificent lion he is,the othawa male. He stares so intense and that makes him even more impressive. Lovely to see the two rhino’s after their mud wallow. Good foto’s, thanks James.

Digital Tracker

Awesome pics James! Absolutely LOVE the stunning pic of the Othawa male, such a beautiful boy. Couldn’t believe the eyelashes on the female elephant too! Thank you for sharing these amazing pics.

Yes, the Othawa male is certainly stunning, but surely his days are numbered as a single male? I’ve completely lost track of which males cover which prides, perhaps an update on this at some point? – but I gather the lion dynamics are constantly changing. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo before of a zebra hoisted in a tree, shows just how opportunistic leopards are!

That photo of Mawelawela is simply stunning! Love those long range landscape views…..especially of beautiful leopards in trees!

Such an emotive photo James of the Ottawa male. His eyes a haunting. Is it a look of despair or is he pleading for the protection of his environment and our planet? That photo should be the cover photo of a world-wide environmental protection petition. The look of hope and wonder of the faces of the elephant calves is such a contrast. Thank you for sharing those images.

For whatever my phone would not connect with Londolozi. We looked at everything and finally gave up so today it was a thrill to find I am once again connected. So I was able to connect with the March 16 and now I am happily catching up!!! thank you Victoria

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