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Dean de la Rey

Alumni Ranger

Dean was a guide at Londolozi from 2018 to 2022. He grew up in Johannesburg and it was from his very first trip to the bush at the age of two that he was captivated by this environment (he claims he can remember ...

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on This Week in Pictures #471

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Master Tracker

Wowzer, these are spectacular – a vintage week 11/10

Senior Digital Ranger

Absolutely gorgeous pictures!

Wow! Love your pics this week Dean. Fantastic images of leopards and lions.

Hard to select a favorite this week! Great style & variety!

Thanks for some fabulous photos Dean, hard to pick a favourite. What a wonderful sighting you had with the lions so close up – I remember on one drive a few years ago, a wild dog pack also used our vehicle for shade. The adults slept while the pups fought over a regurgitated impala ear!

I will think of that mud covered rhino every time I do a bentonite clay facial mask from here on.

Dean, I loved all the photos, I saved cub, I saved baby elephant, cub drinking the water, I also saved leopard,🤗

Thank you, Dean. Spectacular close ups. Enjoyed every one of them.

Marvelous photos! Thanks!

Great time to be behind the lens Dean. My favourite was the Rhino covered in mud as it reminded me of a question I have never had answered, viz how does a Rhino, which I imagine keeps the eye shut during the dunking process keep all of that mud from getting in his/her eye once the eye is opened again? And when mud gets in the eye how does he deal with the problem. Same question goes for Elephant, buffalo, warthogs etc.

Dean, great pictures thi sweek. Having the pride lie down right next to the vehicle had to be some kind of special

Such beautiful pics
I love this blog and look forward to the daily special surprises

Magnificent photographs Dean! Please continue to share your passion…you are so blessed to do what you do and have the skill to do it! These stir up yearnings for me to return to Londolozi more than ever!

Said the rhino, “So I AIN’T neat!

What a beautiful photo of Makhomsava’s little one! And the Ximungwe young male…..when is he getting his proper name? I think that leopards sit that way to relieve pressure on their fat bellies!

It is indeed one of the best things you can have: to join your career with your passion.
Wonderful photos, all of them! The lion cub and the leopards are just adorable.

Cool photos

What a gorgeous series of images!!! Some have such beautiful light.

Wonderful images the week, Dean! I am a fan of ‘portraits’ and these are iconic! Love looking the animal in the eyes. The Makomsava cub’s eyes are awesome, the black surround emphasizing their shape – memorable! Thanks!

The nyala photo is fantastic. Nyalas always remind me of Freddy

Looks like a great week! Wonderful captures!

As usual some lovely photos.

Exceptional photos Dean..you have truly brought a feeling of being there on a game drive. So obvious in your choice of subject and lighting to see the passion in the job you love. 🙏❤️

Wow! I am used to extraordinary with Londolozi, but still! These are just amazing – to be savored over and over!

Stunning photos!!!! Immensely enjoyable and educational. Wishing all there Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and joyous New Year.

Senior Digital Ranger

Oh goodness wouldness! Your close-ups of the lions and cub are exceptional. They bring a much needed shift to prevailing thoughts and emotions.

WOW! Those were great – I saved so many to my favorites! Love the floppy mane of the Othawa Male – he looks so suave. I could go on and on mentioning every picture because I loved them all!

This may be a question for tech support but I can no longer share the blog via email. I hit the envelope button and nothing happens. It’s been like that for me for a few days, but before that working perfectly.

Dean, What an incredible set of images! Your photography is inspiring us to hurry up and get back to Londolozi!

Great pictures.

Fabulous photos, Dean. You are really becoming a spectacular photographer!

You’ve outdone yourself this week in the photos/comments department. There’s no favorite for me this week as each has its own specialness, although the Makomsava cub and the Mhagene cub may just have tipped the scale. Do you use aperture priority and auto iso in quick moments?

Hello Dean, I very much enjoyed it! I loved your photos and the way you write! I agree it was a lovely and a humoristic photo of the Ximungwe young male! He is wonderful to look at! Thank you for sharing!

I very much enjoyed it! I loved your photos and the way you write!
I agree it was a lovely and humoristic photo of the Ximungwe young male! He is wonderful to look at! Thank you for sharing!

Perhaps the leopard had more of the last baboon/monkey it feasted and took in its spirit and, now, thinks its tail is prehensile.

What a wonderful array of superb images! The cubs and lions were captivating! Great job!

Absolutely spectacular pictures! What a thrill to have the cubs under your car… what a trust

A stunning collection of photos this week, Dean! Career meeting passion? Indeed!!

So glad you are falling in love with the dogs!

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