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Chris Taylor


Chris was born and raised in the Kwa-Zulu/Natal Midlands where his family inspired his early passion for the natural world. Exploring Southern Africa as he grew up, this passion was allowed to develop and his curiosity to expand. After high school, Chris spent ...

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on The Week in Pictures #468

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Fantastic pics this week. Love the juvenile bateleur.

Wonderful photos! That female leopard has such beautiful “facial” features.
The Avoca male lions have been very successful, all 5 of them. The 2 oldest sibling/cousins are successful in the south. The 3 Northern Avocas have helped raised a lot of offspring successfully and from what I have seen they are quite tolerant as fathers. Dark Mane in the north and Mohawk and Blondie here. My favorite video to watch on YT is the weekly roundup from Londolozi. I hope to visit not too long from now and when I do
I also want to taste Marula ice cream. 😀

Once again, thanks for the great photos.

Great pictures of bursting life and (sadly) death in a lush summer nature! All are wonderful but lions take the accolade: absolutely the best images as their intentions are well caught through the night light. As well asNkuwa female in a full moon. beautiful photos of leopards, rhinos, giraffe and elephant. I love Bateleur eagle there’s nothing similar over here

Fantastic pics this week! The lion dynamics in the Londolozi area is heating up hot!
Thank you for the update

Great pictures. I especially love the juvenile goshawk because it is so beautiful and so rare that it can be seen so close by.

Impressive array of photos this week!

Lions tracking at night–create an eerie feeling no matter how often one does it.

Another week of fantastic sightings and photos. Seems the rain has brought a renewed vigor throughout the landscape and lush colors.

Another amazing gallery!!!

Great photos Chris. I know that we saw one of those “smallest carnivores” on our last visit but I don’t remember what they are called and your caption didn’t identify it. What is it and how many more did you see on the ground? For some reason I was thinking that you told us that they were fairly solitary creatures.

Hi Robert, my mistake for not specifying the species!
It is a dwarf mongoose – one of the four species of mongoose that you can see at Londolozi (the others being the slender, banded and white tailed). While the slender and white tailed mongoose are solitary creatures, the dwarf and banded mongoose are very gregarious and can both be found in large family groups. Dwarf mongoose usually move in a group of about 10-15 individuals.

Loved the rhino and the Giraffes were so beautiful!!

Terrific TWIP!

Lucky, lucky guests! Thanks Guy and Chris for a great TWIP.

Senior Digital Ranger

Great pics, thank you for sharing

Your images are all so crisp and well shot, Chris. I especially liked the beauty of the Goshawk along with action between the wild dog and hyena over a kill. I’ve never done a walkabout at night. I think I would feel very defensive!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you for the informative blog and fantastic photos. Looks like the 2 Avocas are following in the paw steps of the Birmingham Males and heading for the southern reserves.. Thank you for sharing

It is wonderful to see Nkuwa, Finfoot, and Plaque Rock growing up and becoming territorial. We saw all 3 in Aug 2019 as not-quite-independent females. And for the Avocas…..still wondering if we will see Dark Mane finally join his two brothers, or will he stay north as he continues to recover from the terrible leg injury that he suffered last year.

Hi Chris! Great selection of pictures this week! Had a few questions regarding some of the animals:
1. Have the Nkuwa and Finfoot Females established their own territories yet or are they still scouting portions of the Nhlanguleni Female’s territory?
2. Have the Birmingham Males responded to the Avocas’ inroads or have they remained quiet? Have you all been seeing the Nkuhuma Pride with the Avocas or are the two males alone?
3. Lastly, what have the fragmentations of the Ntsevu Pride looked like? Are all the sub-adults together or are they separate?

Hi Michael. Thanks for the questions.
1. The Nkuwa and Finfoot females seemed to have established their territories for now but this may still change over the next few months as they are still fairly young. Both have essentially inherited portions of their mother’s (Nhlanguleni female) territory which is typical of newly independent females.
2. The Birmingham males have not yet actively responded to the Avoca males advances. They have been seen replying to their territorial calls on occasions but are yet to march further north to defend their domain. I sense that the Sand River forms the boundary between the two territories for now and should the Avoca males advance further south of that then we may see a more coordinated defensive mission from the Birmingham males.
3. The fragmentation of the Nstevu pride is still very unclear and tends to be different each time we see them. We’ll keep a close watch on them and update you once we have a clearer understanding.

The wild dog in that picture is the alpha female of that particular pack. They had one pup survive last year.

Chris, I loved all the photos, I saved the leopard, I saved the Leopard in moon, I saved the leopard in the tree🤗

Terrific week of pictures!!

Buffalo, intimidating stare? That is him blowing you a kiss.

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