Involved Leopards

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

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About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on ANOTHER Leopard Cub: This One Shouldn’t Exist

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Fantastic news! Good luck to the little one

🤗 Yea well it’s Natur vs. People.
They’re both so cute, and the mother looks so proud and cunning at the same time. 🍾🍼

Wow! Fantastic news. Amazing how well the leopard mom’s can hide their cubs.

An unusual year which included several surprises!

Senior Digital Ranger

What exciting and special news … well done trackers and rangers. And what a beautiful cub – such dense and dark markings. Look forward to further news.

James, I loved the photos🤗

Will you keep sending the Video

Absolutely thrilling and so very beautiful ….took my breath away and I was looking at your photo…I can only imagine your reactions ….your photography is so wonderful and I enjoy your blog every day. Thank you so much for bringing such joy into my life!!!!

Unbelievable, but such great news! If she did have a second cub, wouldn’t it have been next to Nhlanguleni like the one seen? When was the last time a leopard raised two cubs to adulthood? Lately, it seems only one survives to independence.

Senior Digital Ranger

A case of phantom pregnancy. Beautiful pictures.

How very exciting! The cub us certainly a cutie, looking healthy and curious! Welcome little one!

Oh my word, how fantastic – you will all be on the lookout for this one now! Do you ever see this cub’s elder half-sisters Nkuwa and Finfoot? – I’d love to know if they’re ok and whether they finally went their own ways.

Hi Suzanne, yes we still see them both regularly; the Finfoot female close to camp (and often IN it!) and the Nkuwa female further west…

That cub is such a beauty! Those ears!

How great that the bush still has its secrets!

Senior Digital Ranger

What a fabulous surprise! Too beautiful… reading this blog made my day!

Wonderful leopard cub time! What a view!

Senior Digital Ranger

Don’t we all ❤️ Surprises!

Master Tracker

Wonderful story and pictures

Digital Tracker

Wow that is fantastic!!!! What wonderful news that there is another baby leopard cub! Oh man, and those pics are just the CUTEST!!!!!

Wow, awesome news!!

I love that the animals can still surprise you!! What a blessing.

What magnificent photos capturing the absolutely gorgeous mother and baby! Another Londolozi highlight of my day. Thank you, James, as always for your lovely narrative.

Such a lovely cub. The photos of mother and baby are great.

Simply stunning what a joy to see

Senior Digital Ranger

Best surprise. Hopefully other predators will have a hard time spotting too!

A serendipitous sighting and very good news. Wishing them all the best!

Go Stof!! Seasoned tracker!

Senior Digital Ranger

Amazing news! the photographs are really great too.

Fabulous find Chris! Just goes to show how much even you professionals can miss. Reminds me of your blog regarding the collared leopard who zigzagged all over your area and was never spotted. But with so much going on I’m not can’t be everywhere all the time. Think of it as a ‘covid’ gift from the leopard’s to all you rangers for safe guarding their lives through this difficult time. Bravo 🙏❤️

James, Great news! We love surprises like this!


This is so interesting, James! The quiet little Mom and baby living their lives on Londolozi for some months without people even noticing them! So happy they have been discovered now. Wendy M

James, any idea which male (or males) would be a potential for father? The cub’s face (or perhaps it’s the spots on the face) give it a very distinct look. Also, do you happen to have a litter history for the Nhlanguleni Female by chance? Here’s to hoping to more sightings of the cub soon!

Hi Michael,
Almost certainly the Flat Rock male; they were seen mating earlier this year.
I’l try draw up a timeline of her litters; we do have one saved somewhere but I’ll have to scratch around for it.
Off the top of my head I think this would be her 5th litter. The Flat Rock male killed her first when he arrived in the area. She lost her second quite quickly (we only saw a single cub once) and then the Nkuwa and Finfoot females weer her third.
She lost a litter that we never saw at the start of this year and then had this one… I stand to be corrected on those numbers though.

Fabulous news..Well done Chris for spotting them! You have so much going on at Londo that I’m not surprised you miss the odd thing, it reminds me of the collared leopard that zigzagged its way all over Londolozi and was never spotted. Consider it a gift from the leopards to all the rangers for watching out for them and keeping them safe from poachers, during the lockdown. 🙏🏻💕

What a fantastic discovery!! This has made my day in a day of COVID rises and still in lockdown. what an adorable cub! thank you for sharing. Victoria

It`s so wonderful, special, nobody knows it

She is a smart lady and very inventive. Guess it’s Flat Rock’s progeny. Hats off to the beautiful Nhulanguleni.

Wow — stunning photography and absolutely heart warming to see the cub and Mom — I hope they stay healthy and look forward to seeing them. Gorgeous.

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