About the Author

Chris Taylor


Chris was born and raised in the Kwa-Zulu/Natal Midlands where his family inspired his early passion for the natural world. Exploring Southern Africa as he grew up, this passion was allowed to develop and his curiosity to expand. After high school, Chris spent ...

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on Embracing the Times: What I Miss the Most About Londolozi

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Chris this is such a lovely blog. We were fortunate to camp in the bush in February and March. Little did we know what was awaiting us on our return home. It is strange that although we did not plan going camping untill later this year we just feel like going into nature, maybe because we know we can’t do it right now. Life will never be the same again. This is really a time to realize that we must wake up every morning and be grateful, to live in the moment and to live everyday to the fullest. We all miss the bush. Once you’ve been you can’t stop going to these magical places like Londolozi . This period in our lives will pass, and we will all be stronger.

Perfectly said!!!

Chris, what a wonderful blog! I have been to Londolozi 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018, I will be returning in 2020 to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary (Sept 5) – I hope you will be able to let us come🤗! Maybe that will be on lock down – but maybe not!

Hopefully the collective global effort to halt the spread of the virus results in a somewhat more peaceful world for all of us. This entry made me anticipate even more our return in 2021.

Beautifully expressed Chris. It’s good to keep in mind there are many types of families, from the one in which you grew up to those that are formed through work/friendships. Perhaps it was time for the citizens of the world to hit pause, allowing countries/cities/ towns/villages to re-examine the importance of family and nature, and hopefully hone a sense of becoming more caring and empathetic. We’ll see… in the meantime, my canceled trip will be rescheduled and I’ll bask in the peace and beauty later…….

with the virus roaring thru the world, I realize that we are very fortunate.Altho our children are not nearby we can and do stay in touch often via Skype or face book. we have time to call friends and catch up on projects that one has put off. But when you ask what we miss about Londolozi it is almost everything. we have visited at least 6 times and as we start our descent onto the runway and see the car we feel as if we are at our other home. I could spend a lot of time listing everything we love. the welcome, our villa the safaris and most of all seeing old friends and hearing there news. we talk about our adventures at home and hope we can again visit. Right we are staying safe and trying to help where we can. We hope this time will pass and that perhaps the world will be a kinder and safer place. Everyone stay safe. Victoria

Chris thank you for this thoughtful reminder of all that is good right now. And to be thankful for it.
You are certainly right when you say that Londolozi steals your heart within minutes of being there. For me, my heart was freely given. Loved every minute of being there and feel so very lucky to have had that chance. Stay well!

Absolutely beautiful blog so sad what is happening all over the world this should have never happened and sadly our lives will never be the same it’s so devastating and heartbreaking

Hello Chris! Wonderful written! I understand that you miss Londolozi, the wildlife, the people and to meet and take people from all over the world out on an adventure in the bush! But it is as you say also a privilege to be able to spend time with your family and take care of one another.
One can only hope that everyone do their job as an individual and that this passes as son as possible!
Thank you for your fine blogg today and I hope that you son can be at work at Londolozi again!

Great blog, Chris -as Marinda says, these are very strange times. Hope your family has plenty of alcohol in stock – Jacqui from the reservations team tells me you’re not allowed to buy any booze at the moment in the shops. I was shocked! – think there would really be riots if they tried that in the UK! Stay safe.

Senior Digital Ranger

Chris, Thank you for sharing the trueness of who you are, and your love for Londolozi. It is immersed in passion, and so heart felt.

I also miss so many things I’ve seen and people I’ve met at Londolozi. Living in Hawai’i means my heartstrings travel 12 time zones daily to connect with the spirit of Londolozi. I am praying that travel is once again allowed in November when we are booked into Founders for 6 nights (our 6th visit since 2010.) I’d be there every year if it weren’t so far away. Be well. Hamba kahle.

what a lovely description of your day at Londolozi! I think about my trips to Londolozi every day and can’t wait to return .

Chris: This is an especially poignant post, as we were scheduled to join the Londolozi family today for a 5 night stay. Unfortunately we were unable to reach South Africa because of travel restrictions, but pray we will be able to return soon. We also pray everyone stays safe and healthy.

Me too! 💕💕💕🐘🐘🐘

Beautifully said, Chris. I can understand your longing to return to Londolozi. One of the things that this virus has done is the appreciation of self reflection and the awareness of what truly is valuable.

Great post, Chris! Hopefully we will return to normalcy sooner rather than later. I think if I had to chose one place in the world where I’d want to quarantine, it would be Londolozi!

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Chris! Yes we do all need to stop, realize how precious life is & appreciate whatever we have, as we were all living on a precipice that we can as a nation stop by being locked down! Stay safe Rangers, staff & Londolozi fans, WE can make this work!! ❤️

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