Involved Leopards

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Senegal Bush 3:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
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Mashaba 3:3 Female

Mashaba 3:3 Female

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About the Author

Josh Attenborough


Born into a family passionate about wildlife Josh knew from a very young age that he wanted to work in the African bush. He was fortunate enough to spend his school holidays going on annual family trips to the same two destinations – ...

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on Two Leopards and the Warthog Piglet

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Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. Well written and just captivating.

Thank you Mark. It really was a special sighting.

You explained your story so well that I felt the excitement! Mashaba was fortunate, but her experience and dexterity saved her from what could have been a harsh encounter. Quiet observance in the bush can reap huge rewards. Well done, Josh!

Thank you Joanne. Your comment is so true about patient quiet observance paying off in the end.

What a great description Josh of that amazing sighting! Russ thrilled you posted his picture. Can’t wait to return to see you and Jerry.

Thanks Karen. I’m so glad Russ was on point with his camera and was able to capture such an amazing sighting. Can’t wait to see you too.

Josh, wonderful story, two leopards in one tree🤗
Hope we get to see that when we come in September, we will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary.


Josh, super story and photos of an incredible afternoon. What an experience for your guests!

What an afternoon drive you had! Looking forward to seeing the Senegal Bush male in April and learning more about his story. And while Mashaba is aging, she sure zoomed up that tree with apparent ease!

It really was special Mary Beth! Looking forward to seeing you in April as well.

Wow, that must have been an incredible sighting!!

What an amazing sighting, Josh! Were you surprised at how aggressive the Senegal Bush male was towards an adult female? It’s not as if Mashaba posed him any threat.

Thank you Suzanne. Every individual leopard is different with regard to aggression and interacting with one another. However, leopards are solitary animals and so when it comes to competing over a kill there is always going to be aggression, whether it is a female and a male or two of the same sex. One thing was certain though, the Mashaba female wasn’t hanging around to mess with the much bigger Senegal Bush male.

A really interesting blog Josh. It always seems to pay to stop and smell the roses as the song goes. Great experience for you all. Thanks for sharing with us.

Hi Josh, thanks for sharing this fascinating interaction that shows the dynamics between the Senegal Bush Male and the Mashaba Female.

Nice. I coud imagin all story as a film in my head, only by reading.
Now I have a question: with descriptions of Leopards (leopard card) what means the numbers 3:3 ( for exempl. Mashaba 3:3)?

Hi Ana. The numbers represent a leopards spot pattern which is how we identify individuals. The first number is how many spots are on their right cheek and the second number is how many spots are on their left cheek. The area we look at on the cheek is just above the top whisker line. Hope this helps.

Yes, it helped, of course. Now I just need to check it out. haha 🙂 Tnx.

Josh, Thanks for sharing your amazing sighting! It felt like we were right there with you!

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