Involved Leopards

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

Ximungwe 5:3 Female

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About the Author

Dean de la Rey

Alumni Ranger

Dean was a guide at Londolozi from 2018 to 2022. He grew up in Johannesburg and it was from his very first trip to the bush at the age of two that he was captivated by this environment (he claims he can remember ...

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on The Week in Pictures #414

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Love your pics this week Dean. Great capture of the bateleur.

Thank you Marinda

Master Tracker

All right, on sheer rareness I would have to hand honours to the gerbil…

First time I have seen a photo of one here, never seen one .

The leopard photos are stunning, that’s cat and tortoise…

Gerbil was so relaxed, very interesting. Thanks for the comment Ian.

Nice photo of the Nweti Male who has interesting coloring on his back. Don’t recall reading about him previously.

Hi Vin, Thank you for the comments. He is a not a male we see often but starting to see him more frequently as he expands his territory from our southern boundary.

Dean wonderful photos this week

Thank you Joan

Such beautiful photos! I especially loved the Mashaba female leopard on the termite mound and the Nweti male leopard drinking from the Pan with the contrasting textures. I also liked the leopard tortoise and the hyena cub suckling. But all of the photos were terrific. Thanks for sharing, Dean.

Think the tortoise is one of my favourites too. Thanks Darlene

Most incredible photos today, Dean.

Thank you Willa

What a wonderful collection of week in pictures. I am glad that some rain is coming and ponds are filling up. The star of the week was the ground scraper dressed with his hat ready for the Easter Parade, followed by the batteleur eagle. Thank you. Victoria

I got so distracted by the thrush that i missed the hippos fighting, worth it though. Thanks Victoria

Interesting facts about the buffalo pathfinders and hyena milk. I loved the photo of the male leopard drinking and the tortoise.

Thank you Chelsea, glad you enjoyed the comments.

Dean, thank you for some really great photos. Impressive picture of the Ximungwe young male and many more.

Thank you

Dean, you’ve gone above and beyond in TWIP!! Your images are stunning from the little groundscraper thrush sporting a mouthful of grasses, to the elegant rhino horn and the cuteness of the Ximungwe cub. 👏👏📷. Thoroughly enjoy this blog as a lead in to the weekend…. enjoy yours v

Wow, thank you Denise. Hope the weekend is going well.

Hi Dean
Thoroughly enjoy the pics this week and have now seen my first Gerbil and taken that pic for a Screensaver! So very glad to hear Londolozi and the surrounding areas have had some rain at last! We watched a VERY sad news clip a few days ago of a totally empty dam in the Northern Cape. The Morning Show were interviewing people from different walks of life while standing IN the dam. As they said, they should have been drowning, but they weren’t. They are going through a shocking time with the drought. The farmers are culling their animals because there is just NO WATER for them – and of course this affects the grazing as well. The wild life are also suffering. Graaff Reinette has had no rain for FIVE YEARS! Water is being trucked in. Even the water from bore holes is coming up looking undrinkable and dirty. These poor people…. My heart went out to them all and to the animals too. Children can’t bath before they go to school and nor can the adults. We are praying HARD for rain. Wendy M

Hi Wendy, yes goes to show how valuable water is to us and the importance of looking after what we have left. Thank you for the comment. Let’s hope those issues are resolved with some rain soon.

Great selection of photos as always Dean!!! Great to see the Tsalala cub doing well, and here’s hoping it continues to go well for her mother and her.

We can only hope so. Thanks Michael

LOVE the Nweti Male leopard drinking at the pan … the textures are so graphic and the colorful leopard against the stark black ground so striking … great job Dean!!!

Nweti male was an unbelievable sighting. Thanks for the comment.

It is SO good to see the week in pictures again! I’ve missed them!! Great to see some newcomers like the rhino calf and the gerbil, as well as old favorites like the Mashaba female. Thanks for coming back!

Glad you enjoyed.

Also, any sightings of the Ndzandzeni Female recently?

Good question Michael.
That’s a negative I’m afraid. We’re starting to get worried…

Michael, you would both be happy to know she was seen yesterday and this morning. Very good news.

Awesome news Dean! Thanks to both of you for your responses! I went from disappointed and worried to glad real quick!

Wonderful pictures!

Thank you

Wonderful pictures, Dean. And I’m so happy to see your update on the Ndzanzeni female. I was getting worried too! – but she has often been very elusive, as was her mother , the Dudley Riverbank.

Absolutely wonderful! I’m hard pressed to find a favourite. Wow, thanks! (Glad to see the Tsalala cub doing well!)

Oh my gosh-such wonderful pictures! Especially love the leopards, 3 of my favorites- mashaba, ximungwe and her cub!

So glad to see Mashaba looking in such good condition. How is her right shoulder/front leg doing?

Incredible images!!! I particularly like that shot of the leopard tortoise!

And that photo of the Mweti Male drinking is very powerful and conceptual!!

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