About the Author

Julia Munnik

Londolozi Alumni

Julia grew up in Cape Town and from a very young age, nearly every school holiday was spent off-road, exploring Southern Africa. After graduating as a Speech Therapist at the University of Cape Town she was lucky enough to explore northern KZN during ...

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on The Guiding Sounds of the Bush

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How true! On our first visit our Guide (Trevor) came in at lunch and informed us that out tracker (Like) had heard monkey chatter very nearby. We left immediately to discover a lion very close to the camp–it was our first lion sighting.

Julia, what a great experience – on foot watching a leopard – as close as you were!

Digital Ranger

Lovely blog Julia. Now to practice the art of putting this into practice…

We, humans, are so a custom to do things in a hurry but when you slow down and listen you may discover a thing or two. You are an story teller because through your written words I was able to have a clear vision of what you described and that my friend is a gift. Thank you for sharing with us and I will continue looking forward for your written words about you experiences and views of the environment that surrounds you. Gracias and very well done.

Pausing in life is as important as pausing in the bush. LOVE the camo image of the leopard hiding….I really had to look!

Wow … I looked at that picture for several minutes with no success and then Lucie walked up and said “what’s with the picture of the leopard?” Apparently I need to go back to Londolozi sooner than our current reservation!

Great experience Julia. It is amazing what you can find in the bush, just being aware and listening.

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