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Jemma Thorpe

Londolozi Creative Hub

Jemma grew up on a farm in the Midlands Meander in Kwa-Zulu Natal and studied at the University of Cape Town. With little bush experience but with many hours of au pairing, teaching English and forming a love for travel, Jemma found herself ...

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on The Unrivalled Power Of Trees

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Great blog Jemma. It is so important to plant trees. And the best is to plant indiginous. I try to plant a tree in my garden every year.

Thank you Marinda, that’s wonderful to hear and a great habit to get into. Thanks for sharing

We’ve had the opportunity to plant 4 trees on the property as part of our remembrance of loved ones who appreciated the beauty of Londolozi.

Jemma, Thanks for highlighting this. Trees are the single best equalizer to absorb the carbon dioxide. One can never plant too may trees. This is for everywhere on the planet that can sustain them

I always knew trees had a huge impact but didn’t realise the full extent of it. So glad you agree!

Hello Jemma!
So interesting to read your article. I agree with you! What a good initiative that you and Londolozi Family has taken to plant trees. I live beside a little forest and I love to see and hear the trees and the birds everyday! It’s the animals home, one should never forget that. It is sad to read that they burn and are taking down trees in the Amazonas! When will the leaders learn??! Maybe if they read your article!

Thanks Ann, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. How lucky to live right beside a little forest!

Master Tracker

Thinking of a rowan tree for the bottom of the garden. A good article – well done

Thank you Ian, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you posting such an extremely important and vital post! Thank you as well for what you all do at Londolozi and the consciousness you bring 🙂

My daughter is Santa Barbara Channel Keeper, founded by Bobby Kennedy Jr. There are many water alliances world wide. I love that she tries to save the ocean, they have banned plastic bags and straws.

What a wonderful initiative to be apart of!

Beautifully written Jemma and I so enjoyed seeing the various staff members planting their trees. Just think, if everyone took the time and the little effort it takes to plant a tree, how much more improved our environment would be. I enjoy everyday looking at the beautiful 85’ tall Redwood tree my parents planted 40 years as a seedling. The home it provides for our avian population provides a continuous source of entertainment.

Thank you Denise, I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed it. It ended up being such a fun afternoon. How wonderful that you can enjoy a Redwood planted by your parents!

I hope our one (HUGE) fruit bearing avocado tree in Hawai’i is of some help.

Imagine how much better we would be if everyone in the world planted one tree ,,, better yet one a year for “X” years!

The power of trees is incredible. I recently spent some time at the Woodville Big Tree near Wilderness and walked around the forest there and the feeling you get walking through those forests is great. To hear and see all the bird life and witness a thriving forest ecosystem is just amazing. The big tree is an 800+ year old Outeniqua Yellowood which is just a massive tree of around 33 meters tall with a stem circumference of 12 meters and just to see it and stand close to it was incredible!

Wonderful blog topic, Jemma. This is very doable if all would get on board and plant. Such a easy thing to do with a huge impact. Sadly thousands of acres continue to burn in South America. However united we can overcome. People need to be reminded and your voice did just that. Thanks!

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