It had been a few days of incredible experiences and unbelievable sightings yet lions were still on the list to be tracked and found. A clear, cool, crisp morning sent us down into the south-eastern parts of Londolozi in search of these apex predators. We switched the vehicle off every few minutes to allow for the possibility of hearing any distant roars travelling through the icy air. A faint call got us excited and we continued in the direction it came from. Hopes were high yet there was this underlying feeling that the roar might be further than anticipated and in an area that may be inaccessible, yet we pursued.
We reached an area the Ntsevu pride had been frequenting over the previous few weeks yet not a single footprint lay in the sandy roads we had driven. The sun began to rise and drenched the landscape in deep red, orange and golden hues, which allowed for the most unbelievable silhouettes, until one particular silhouette stuck out from the rest. There, atop a termite mound, stood the distinguishable shape of a female leopard. It caught us totally off-guard. We were so focused on our search for lions that we almost had tunnel vision. Yet this scene did not simply end with us in awe at the silhouette in front of us. Seconds later a second leopard appeared from around the mound. It was a cub! Our excitement levels rose as they began moving into a large open clearing. A few minutes later we noticed that these two leopards were not alone as a third individual appeared from the opposite side of the mound, the Inyathini male.

A silhouette of the Ndzanzeni female leopard. An evenly curled tail and outline distinguishing it from any other species of cat.

The Inyathini male, Ndzanzeni female and cub walk through an open, grass-filled clearing.
These three leopards sauntered through the clearing only meters apart, and if distance ever separated them they would get closer to one another via contact calls. It was incredible to witness three leopards so close together in such a big clearing, to see how relaxed the Inyathini male and the cub were and to see the interaction between them. Dominant male leopards don’t often spend time with other individuals unless it’s due to mating or food and they certainly don’t tolerate the presence of another adult male or cub that is not their own. But to bear witness to the playful behaviour between the Inyathini male and cub was a first for me.
Another leopard who originated in the Kruger National Park, he has established a large territory in the south eastern areas of Londolozi.
To see the submission of the dominant male every time the cub would approach it and play. What put me back was how relaxed the cub was. A cub that is usually very shy at the presence of a vehicle was now confident and completely disinterested in us. Could this be because of the Inyathini male’s presence? The scene allowed for the most incredible photographic opportunities. This went on for a good period of time, with contact calling from the Inyathini male every time the cub and mother distanced themselves. Eventually they moved into a dense thicket and parted ways.

A submissive interaction between the Inyathini male and cub. Notice how the cub is perched on its hind legs to reach eye level with the large male.
Another leopard who originated in the Kruger National Park, he has established a large territory in the south eastern areas of Londolozi.

Playfulness from the cub could easily get the better of it with such a large dominant male but he tolerated it all with minimal snarls; this would never be the case if the cub was not of his own.

Eventually the mother and cub separated and strolled into a nearby thicket and out of sight while the Inyathini male followed some distance behind contact calling.

The last view of the Ndanzeni female as she looks back at the Inyathini male following some distance behind. She then descended this fallen-over Marula tree and continued into a thicket.
Royal descendant of Mother Leopard lineage. Remarkable single cub success story who overcame injury to continue the royal bloodline.
It just goes to show that no matter how many game drives one does, there is always the element of surprise and the chance of experiencing the unexpected. It’s what feeds the fire to get out on drive every single day and bear witness to the unexpected but also to keep an open mind as you never know what might be around the next corner.
Such a special sighting. Stunning image of the leopard against the sun.
Wonderful pictures-thanks for sharing !
That is probably the most amazing leopard photo I have seen .
It’s definitely up there on my podium of “best ever” too, Ian!
Wonderful photos of Inyathini and the cub! Is he known to be the father of the cub?
I think you were holding out on us, what a great day you had this morning, WOW. Can’t believe we have been home for 3 weeks. Your pics make us want to come back and seeing that cub stand up, is crazy good. Hope all is well with you and Lucky, we talk about you guys everyday. I think all our friends are tiered of hearing out Londolozi. Thanks for all the great memories, can’t wait to come back someday. Give Equalizer a hard time for me. Ron
Fabulous pictures Alex. I can’t believe it – I posted a comment to Rob after his blog just 2 days ago, , saying how I hoped to see the Ndzanzeni female plus her cub when I come back but hadn’t heard anything about them! The cub looks really well, is it male or female? How amazing to see the interactions between them all.
Beautiful photos
Spectacular photo! The intensity of that male (no mistaking it as female in this shot!) and the cub sitting up to meet on what it attempts as equal terms-it is heart pounding. Loved it!
Alex, birding may be your passion but predators & prey are your finest photographic achievements. I just noticed that you dominate our collection of “favorite’ed” blog photos. Your composition, choice of subject, use of black & white and ability to capture the “money-shot” of eye to eye stands head and shoulders above most of your colleagues. As serious fellow photogs we really admire your work. Keep focusing on composition and lighting and you will become a master image maker!
Alex, I have never seen male leopard tolerate a cub
! I have only seen them kill a cub because they wanted to mate and carry on their blood line. OH MY GOSH – WHAT A WONDERFUL SIGHTING.
Hi Alex. That is a lovely article on Leopard reactions! Most unusual with the father and cub! Thank you so much! Wendy M
How incredibly, how adorable and possibly scary!! What a marvtastic sighting. Wow, we’re you at all worried about the cub?! Victoria
A really nice blog Alex and fantastic pics of the spotted cats. What a nice experience for everyone witnessing the interaction of the cub and the male leopard. Thanks for sharing with us.
The sun rise image is stunning in every way and the interaction images between the cub and male are both cute and surprising. Rare. Glad you captured it!
Beautiful images,amazing interaction. So happy you shared this blog.
The silhouette was extraordinary!
Alex, This has GOT to be a once in a lifetime sighting!! What an incredible experience, with some remarkably beautiful images to remember it by! Well Done.
Beautiful pics all but the header image of the submissive interaction between the Inyathini male and cub is truly outstanding!!! Bravo Alex!
Wonderful to see Ndzanzeni with her Cub again, never expect that Inyathini ist the Father, very social father , same behaviour as with the son Tortoise Pan, thanks for sharing.
I would definitely never expect to see this!! I’ve never heard of any kind of interaction like this!
You described a very exciting morning drive and thanks for capturing the reaction between cub and Inyathini male to show us. Photo of Ndzanzeni female in pensive mode is superb!
This has got to be yet another of your “once in a lifetime” sightings, Alex. Word fail me!