About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Memory Lane: This Month 5 Years Ago

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Great pictures, thanks! This is about the same timeframe I’ve been visiting Londolozi, my 7th trip coming in the not too distant future. From the first trip seeing the Majingilane crossing the river towards the Tsalala pride in perfect light to the last trip seeing the magnificent Birmingham males, the lion sightings have always been spectacular, even if the players have rotated a little!

Wonderful memories. Always love photos of the Magingilane.

Interesting shots, James. I really enjoyed the last two lion pics and the elephant skin pic with the strand of grass. Thank you for sharing these.

James – great memories!

Very nice! I can only marvel at the probable size of your photo database.

Haha it’s pretty extensive – at least 90% of it filled up with photos I should delete. But a purge at this time will take so long I’m pretty fearful of embarking upon it…

Such an incredible collection of photos!!!!

Senior Digital Ranger

“I must admit I got a bit of a shock when going through some June 2014 images today; I usually remember sightings very clearly, yet there were photos I came across that I simply had no recollection of; where they were taken or what was happening at the time.” We’ll James, let me explain it to you. I’ve only been fortunate enough to spend seven nights at Londolozi across two trips. I’ve also been fortunate enough to travel to see most of the spectrum of the world’s wildlife in their natural habitat around the world. But those seven nights at Londolozi are a world apart from these other experiences— simply the best wildlife experience I’ve had on this planet. Sometimes when I check in on this blog, read what yourself and other guides have to say, I’ve wondered what it must be like to work in such a place and have such experiences every day. In my experience, even the most incredible experiences over time lose their luster through repetition. You see a leopard, then you want to see a leopard in a tree. You see a leopard in a tree, then you want to see a leopard in a tree with a kill. You see a leopard in a tree with a kill, then you want to see a leopard actually make the kill. The point is, eventually you run out of new experiences and, no matter how incredible the repeat experiences may be, they’re still a repeat of a story told. They run together in a mental photo album in your mind and when the album is full, you must remove old photos to make room for photos from new experiences. I speculate this is why I often hear guides talking about their kindling interest in smaller game— birds, even insects….something new and unexplored. Myself, I sit at work in a city office filled with walk photos of such expediences and rarely a work day goes by that I don’t pause for a moment and look at them wishing I was back out there writing my next chapter (in fact, two of the photos come from the first significant sighting I had at Londolozi on my first drive of the Mashaba female and her yearling cub the now Ximungwe female both of which you mentioned above guarding and feeding on an impala kill in a tree as several hyena circle below in May 2016). Better cut this one short (quite long actually) before I ramble on any further. Superb write-up as always

Haha Thanks Phil. How’s the planning for the next trip going?

Senior Digital Ranger

Travel plans proceeding slow as molasses. My travel companions and myself are all on different pages this time around and since we probably wouldn’t be going anywhere until summer next year, no one feels the urgency to fold their hand quite yet ; )

James, Thanks for the memories – we realize the same thing when we look back to our first visit in 2011! One thing for sure, we have learned a lot about shooting wildlife with your help and our photos continue to improve!

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