About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on A Tribute to Stephen Hawking: 1942 – 2018

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I’ve heard many people say the world lost an amazing mind when Dr. Hawking passed; you say so eloquently the world lost an amazing man.

Senior Digital Ranger

Well said.

Lovely tribute. The world is poorer with the loss of this briliant mind.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thanks for this tribute to a man whose mind I cannot comprehend but whose humanity, sense of humor, and courage I will admire forever. He taught us so much more than science. He is one with the stars now.

No words to add what you have written. Tonight we all need to look up at the stars.

Senior Digital Ranger

James thank you for such a beautifully expressed tribute to this amazing human being, Stephen Hawking. The quotation you included is one we should all reflect upon.

That is an inspiring and wonderfully human tribute to Stephen Hawking – thank you James.


The quote “look up at the stars not down at your feet” just about sums up everything in life.
I don’t pretend to even understand a miniscule amount of the Professors theories but there aren’t many people who can be considered as being truly remarkable but Professor Hawking was definitely one of them.

Thank you for taking the time to pay tribute to Stephen Hawking. He had not only a brilliant mind, but lived his complicated life with grace, dignity and certainly a sense of humor. He will be missed.

Senior Digital Ranger

What a beautiful eulogy! My husband was fortunate enough to have attended one of Professor Hawkings talks. He talked about that for months. I am fortunate to share my life with a scientist and a lover of astronomy, he tried very hard over the years to explain to me what it all meant but, my poor brain is not wired that way.. He will be sorely missed. My wish is that right now, at this moment in time, is another young man who will follow in the footsteps of the great scientist and take us places we never imagined.

Hey James,
It’s not enough that you are one of the most amazingly skilled photographers i have come across, Now you reveal yourself as a gifted spiritual poet? Your remembrance of Stephen Hawking is among the best I have come across. I’ll keep yours and the New York Times as a pair.
Best regards,

Hi Michael,
Thanks very much for the kind words!
Best regards,

Such a beautiful tribute to one of the most incredible humans of our time. He somehow never gave up, and kept on fighting.

Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful tribute James, thank you

Senior Digital Ranger

Beautiful Tribute!

Reading these stories for probably a year now, I have been fasinated & I look forward to a new each day but this tribute to Stephen Hawking was beautiful and touching it makes you evaluate life.

James, Thanks for the reminder that we all have so much to be thankful for!!!

I too am stirred by James’ note on Professor Hawking. The morning on which news broke of his death, I was at the hospital with Tom who had broken a finger in a nasty and complete spiral fracture. We were both extra-glum at the thought of the inconvenience this could pose if it didn’t heal properly by the time we are next at Londolozi in May! And then to hear, with profound sadness of Professor Hawking’s passing, being recalled yet again to the transcendent and inspirational power of his intellect and spirit, despite the limitations of his inert body….
Well, it surely put a broken finger right into perspective!
Thank you James for your tribute. It stands out like one of the brightest jewels in a star-studded African sky.

Thanks Melanie,

I agree with you completely, in that perspective is what it’s all about….

In his book, Stephen Hawking also discusses the aspects of artificial intelligence.
He says that man is developing slowly and has slow progress, while artificial intelligence will leave it behind very soon. In many fields, human beings will not be able to compete for AI.
I read here in the last book of hawking.

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