A week ago we saw three adult leopards in the same sighting. The scene resembled something of a soap opera with two sisters (same mother but different litters) competing for the attention of one male. When it comes to solitary animals like leopards, what happens during an interaction like this and what brings them all together in one place?
Well, about a week prior to this, the Flat Rock male had been seen mating with the Nkoveni female. He was, in fact, responsible for killing her cubs a few weeks before that. This may seem crazy that she would tolerate a male that had done this to her offspring, but it is, in fact, typical behaviour. By killing cubs that aren’t his, the male forces the female back into oestrus, allowing him to mate and sire cubs of his own. She, in turn, recognises that he is the dominant male, and is the one she needs to mate with to reproduce again.
Londolozi's most viewed leopard and prolific mother. This gorgeous female has raised multiple cubs to independence.
Born 2013 Kruger, seized prime territory at young age. Strategic dominance led to successful lineage before current eastward shift.
Her younger sister, the Mashaba young female, was then found a few mornings later mating with the Flat Rock male. When leopards mate, they make an unmistakably loud noise, which is what we assume drew the Nkoveni female into the area to investigate. The first reports on the morning that the trio was found was that the Flat Rock male was only interested in the Mashaba Young female, but when I arrived in the sighting, he was mating with the Nkoveni female.
Having been viewed by vehicles from an early age, this leopard is supremely relaxed around Land Rovers.
During my time with them, the male mated with both females on a number of occasions.
What was really interesting to note was how close the two females got to each other whilst keeping it fairly amicable. Although they showed subtle signs of aggression like snapping or snarling at each other, they were in general quite tolerant. One female would mate then turn and head for the patch of shade that her sister was lying in. That sister would then get up and head towards the male and they’d yo-yo back and forward like this for hours. On a few occasions, the mating would happen with the second female not even moving off at all.
Both females were born to the Mashaba Female (albeit three years apart) and one wonders if this had anything to do with it. Another possible reason is that both of the females were out of their territories somewhat. It is likely that they thus felt less threatened by each other’s presence.
All we know for sure is that you can read as many textbooks as you like but it’s only when you really spend time with these animals that you start to get proper insights into their behaviour.
This is a great blog Amy. You may really recall we saw almost the same behaviour this time last year at the end of the runway with their Mother Mashaba mating with the Piva male and the Nkoveni looking on. It seemed as though Nkoveni was almost asking permission from the mother to move in but this was not given and she would not tolerate it. However the Nkoveni has tolerated her sister.
Yes Mike, you’re absolutely right!! So interesting how the lives of these animals intersect!
WoW!! So awesome 3 Leopards are all together be cool…. I love my favorite Leopards! Thank you for the update and great video Londolozi
Thanks Prem!!
It sounds like a soap opera Amy. It just show that there is always something different to see that you do not usually expect in the bush.
True Marinda! What was your most unusual sighting during your stay a few days back?
Amy we had a wonderful time at Londolozi. The Tambotie female and her male cub was one of the best leopard sightings we had in a long time. Got wonderful video footage of the cub stalking and playing with his mother. The cheetah in the open areas was another fantastic sighting.
So glad to hear it Marinda! Look forward to having you back!
How very interesting, Amy! I cannot imagine how tired the male got! Hoping there are cubs soon. Thanks for sharing, Amy.
True Darlene
Luckily it seems he was with both the females for just one full day that we know of…
Just when one thinks they’ve seen it all! Although rarely seen, the real reasons for the females tolerating each other’s presence certainly may be the reasons you’ve given…also it’s the season and those primal urges become primary. For me this was personal since the young Mashaba 5:3 is my very favorite! She is now on her own, staking a territory and mating….wonderful to see life unfold for her successfully! Very interesting blog and video, Amy.
Thanks Joanne! So glad to hear she is your favourite. We have actually been talking as a team about how she will need to be re-named shortly because of all this territorial behaviour. We’ll keep you posted!
That’s an amazing video Amy. I’ve only ever seen lions mating and it was one male and female- three leopards is incredible, especially when two sisters are involved. It will be interesting to see if both sisters end up with cubs…. will the Flat Rock male accept all the cubs?
You have the best job!! Until your next adventure……
Hi Denise! Thanks so much! Ya he definitely would. The male is not at all concerned that the females are rivals, he is only concerned that the maximum number of the females in his territory sire his cubs.
What an amazing sighting, Amy! If she has cubs, will that be the first for the Mashaba Young Female?
Thanks Mary Beth! Yes, it would be. She is still a young leopard only aged 2,5. We will actually be renaming her soon due to all her mating and territorial behaviour…
… I really wonder what would happen if another male chances upon the 3 mating leopards; I know a male fight would ensue but would the 2 females stick around to wait for the outcome ??
Yes, I think that’s probably what would happen Henry. It’s such an unusual scenario that I imagine the females would be just as interested in the outcome as you are
To see a wild leopard is extraordinary enough but to see three adult leopards together and mating has to be one of the most incredible things one can experience on a safari!! Unbelievable!!
I was actually lucky enough to encounter a leopard myself today, but in one of the most unlikely places: on foot in Disa Kloof at Harold Porter Botanical Gardens!! I was walking along the path by myself and the leopard was right there 7 metres ahead. In a split second it turned and ran up the cliff. The fact that I saw a Cape leopard so close is still taking time to sink in!!
That is amazing Callum! I’m so excited for you!!
ThankS Amy, it was absolutely unbelievable and a bit nerve-wracking, considering I was 7 metres away from a leopard on foot!
Just goes to show that leopard and lion drama is much more exciting than all those “housewives” reality shows on TV!
Haha true that Michael and Terri!
Talk about have your cake and eat it to!!!! I think I saw that type of behavior on the beach one day. LOL. Mating is a lot shorter than I thought. Great video. The females know that that is their jobs to produce off spring. They are all just awww inspiring beauty. Love this
Interesting article Amy.