About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Trees Teach us How To Be Home

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Beautiful! Sounds like LightWriting to me!

Agreed 100% on the Apple leaf – evidently free thinking individuals. Your photos of those all-by-themselves individuals really portray their character as you describe them.

My number one favourite is the Acacia sieberiana (although Australia has now unilaterally decided and convinced the international body that Acacia trees are indigenous to Down Under and South Africa is not allowed to name any indigenous tree Acacia anymore).

The Paper Bark thorn tree always seems to invite one to come into its shade and feel the curling petals of bark on its trunk, and even pull a few off to take with you.


Beautiful, Amy. I love trees and I love what you have written…..home, home, steady strong but growing. Thanks

Senior Digital Ranger

Amy – so beautiful, thought provoking and grounding. Thank you again.

Rob Cooper

Spot on Amy. Regards, Rob

Dr. Ingo Meuthen

Dear Amy !
Thank you for your wonderful report !
Would it be possible, regarding on the trees phenotype, that it is related to the European olive trees ?
I did not yet ask my son today, who is an evolutionary biologist. What is your oppinion in this case ?
With my best regards
Ingo Meuthen

Morning Ingo. I agree that these two species do have a rather similar look about them but from what I know, they are not related in any way. Let me know if your son has any more info on the matter.. Many thanks, Amy

Beautiful blog Amy. I love trees also and am considered a tree hugger. The trees featured in your blog are truly lovely and I really enjoyed the poem. Thank you for loving trees and thanks for doing this blog in tribute to trees.

One of the most beautiful, most poignant of all the Londolozi blog posts. Clearly your soul is very connected to the trees. Do you still occasionally guide?

Krishna Gailey

Amy, just loved your fabulous blog on Trees. my family can’t understand my fascination with trees, and now I can show them that I am certainly not alone. I also loved the poem. Thanks again.

Dear Amy, I’m always happy to read your blogs, but both your articles on trees were especially thought provoking. I have always been in awe of trees and the beauty and character they bring to the world. I had never read that poem before. Thank you so much!

Dear Amy, I’m always happy to read your blogs, but both your articles on trees were especially thought provoking. I have always been in awe of trees and the beauty and character they bring to the world. I had never read that poem before. Thank you so much!

Thank you for a really thought provoking blog. Although I am not familiar with Apple leaf tree, I perfectly understand when you say it is your favourite tree. For me 2 trees will always be special. One is our own Banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) and second is the Baobab.

Thank you Amy for a beautifully presented article on Trees…….your love and deep understanding of Nature comes through in all your Blogs and I enjoy, learn and love every one you present.

A beautiful post about incredible beings! I’m actually currently reading reading the very book that you referred to, it’s been an amazingly insightful read so far!

This is just so thoughtful and amazing. <3 I have always been in live with trees and take special care of them. Just last week, I got my tree trimmed from Tree Service Providers in Deltona named "Clayton's Quality Tree Service". They did a great job.

Excellent Information!!
It is really important to take care of these at your home.
Stevens Point Tree Doctors take care of your trees by proving stump grinding, tree removal and tree grinding services.

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