Involved Leopards

Tatowa 3:3 Female

Tatowa 3:3 Female

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About the Author

Nick Kleer

Alumni Ranger

Nick joined the Londolozi team from Thornybush Game Reserve, and immediately began revealing his photographic potential, especially in the passion with which he pursued knowledge. An almost fanatical approach to improving his photography has seen him gain a rapid understanding of all the ...

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on The Week in Pictures #288

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Awesome photos!

How nice Lex was there! I did the Ecotraining Game Ranger Coure on EP in 2002, I think. He had some lovely photos with him and I bought some of him. I still cherish them………..When he gets back with you, please give my regards!

I will live day by day through your experience. Beautiful pictures once again.

Great Pics ! The picture of ScarNose is one of his best pics ever

Beautiful photos! Well done!

I absolutely love the photo of the Tatowa female leopard with her cub! It is so adorable and words cannot express properly the feeling of love that is portrayed!


Hooray! A bateleur, my favourite bird of prey. Thank you so much. Yet more stunning photographs of your ‘neighbours’. Such high quality.

Great Week in Pictures, Nick!! I can see that it was another exciting one – wish I was there!


Amazing mesmerizing photographs. Thank you so much. A magical way to start off my day to be sure.

Such beautiful pictures this week, Nick … thank you!

Senior Digital Ranger

great pictures!!Also the bateleur!


Absolutely phenomenal captures! Love the eye of the lion ! I feel I must draw that ! I love the eyes… they tell so much. Thank you for sharing your talent . I miss Londolozi .❤️

All such beautiful pictures, Nick! Thanks for a great Week in Pictures!

Fantastic pics Nick. Great photography. Thanks for sharing with us.

Senior Digital Ranger

Your picture of the Bataleur is just so amazing, thank you Nick 🙂

Senior Digital Ranger

Always hold my breathe when I read Majingalane and another coalition in the same vicinity! Hope to keep the Majinga boys around for a while longer. Love your updates thank you for sharing!

I love everyone’s photos. They are all awesome. The blog and photos put a smile on my face everyday as they bring me back to our trip at Londolozi almost a month ago. Nick was our ranger and he provided us with excellent wildlife sightings as well positioned the vehicle so we could take great photos.

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