About the Author

Bruce Arnott

Field Guide Alumni

Bruce worked at Londolozi from 2017 to 2020. He always had a passion for the bush and the outdoors, having been camping and fishing since he was a young boy. He attended school in the Natal midlands after which he moved down to ...

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on A Peculiar Relationship

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Great story . . . great images . . . more of what makes Londolozi so special.

Absolutely brilliant!

Hi Bruce,
Wonderful pictures and what a great viewing that must have been! I really enjoyed hearing about these two unusual “friends”, although the Hippo sounds like he wasn’t as thrilled with the arrangement as the Heron!

Senior Digital Ranger

Say hello to Alfie for the Schultz family. We thought he was an outstanding guide. Might see him again this time next year as we’re coming back

Single Gabriele

great story about nature and wonderful pictures

Great blog, thanks Bruce!

Thank you all, I enjoyed watching the scene unfold in front of me and had fun writing this piece. It is important to notice the smaller, seemingly less significant relationships in the bush; they can teach you more than you know! There will be more to come!

And here I thought that this only happened at Sunset Dam! Obviously must a much more common habit than I realised.

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