on Elephant Tusks – Majesty Celebrated

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Love this!! Related to Abu???

Senior Digital Ranger

in Botswana most of the elephants have smaller tusks , probably due to the fact that the food is different .
Maybe having smaller tusks will help them to survive !

Amazing! Love the ‘Tuskers’!

I see you don’t mention poaching as a possible cause for the decline in the numbers of large tuskers? You only mention the fence and trophy hunting as possible causes. So I conclude from that you didn’t have any poached elephants during the last 2 centuries??? I find it extremely hard to believe. Unsustainable hunting in the past surely could contribute towards the decline in the number of large tuskers, but so does poaching. Poachers also prize large tuskers or haven’t you realised??? I think it’s totally unfair to lay a large proportion of the blame on trophy hunting, while you don’t even care to mention poaching. I think you should rethink your view.

Just back from 3 weeks in Kruger. Many great tuskers but also a surprising number of tuskless elephants. Saw many in Zambia but seemed to be more here this visit.

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