Involved Leopards

Ingrid Dam 4:4 Female

Ingrid Dam 4:4 Female

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About the Author

Sean Cresswell

Alumni Ranger

Sean is one of the humblest rangers you are likely to meet. Quietly going about his day, enriching the lives of the many guests he takes out into the bush, it is only when he posts a Week in Pictures or writes an ...

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on Photographic Journal: The Unusual Suspects

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As always, stunning photography! Thank you!

Anne Hilbert

I have a photo of the hyena young from a trip to Londolozi in 2015 on my wall in Texas. Love watching them, their unique gait and especially the young at play at the den.

Patricia Meadowcroft

Thank you for sharing photos and info on the hyena. While in total their structure snd composition seems awkward to me they do have adorable faces. Perhaps not the sinister character I once thought. Still their loud cackling, screeching and barking is distrubing. Certainly not the melancholy roar of the lone lion or the growling sounds of the lioness pack or the trumpeting of an elephant. They all seem to have their own voice and that includes the distinctive call of the hyena.


I adore the photos you posted today of the hyena! My friend Marisa and I were there a few short days ago and witnessed one of the hyenas napping . He then awoke and strolled over to the Jeep ,looked as if he wanted to jump in ,then decided against it and walked on as if to say ” too crowded”! He was quite a character and I love your beautiful photos of such an unusual , yet somehow sweet looking creature!

I agree; it takes some time, but, Hyena are compelling and ‘sweet’ if one gives them the chance to be observed. While at Londolozi in 2011, we had the, yes, pleasure of observing a den of hyena. While the adults were mostly away, we watched the youngsters and their ‘babysitter’. What a treat…they played, cavorted, explored, and one very curious youngster took it upon itself (one cannot tell with hyena) to investigate what was in t
he hamper. OMW….they are adorable and have gotten a raw deal in media. They are not glamorous, but, they are gosh darn cute amongst themselves. Here’s to the underrated Hyena!

Really nice pics and loved the ellie one very much. The hyenas have been overlooked among all the wild critters, but their faces are adorable and to see the younguns having fun and being so inquisitive is precious. Thank you.

Jill Boyle

Thank you for your wonderful photos and commentary Sean. I recall an especially interesting morning game drive with you when we witnessed 2 hyenas fighting over a hippo skin,watching one of them drink from a pond and the vultures waiting in a tree for the final scraps of that “meal”. I gained a totally new perspective of these curious creatures that morning

Janie Hansen

Compelling shots! Thanks for giving hyenas a fair shake. The scavengers on our planet serve an important purpose and you did a great job highlighting it. I only saw one hyena during my visit in fall of 2015…. hoping for more when I return this fall.

Incredible Photos!! I really do love hyenas, they are such charismatic and unique animals! The brown hyena is actually my favourite out of the family, but I do have a connection with the spotted’s after an incredible sightig I had of one on the iMfolozi Wilderness Trail (I took some brilliant pictures too! (In my opinion))!

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